Information for Residents

Information for Homeowners iconThe Coronado National Forest is located next to rapidly expanding urban areas (Tucson, Oracle, Sierra Vista, Nogales and Sonoita/Patagonia). Approximately 34,000 acres of the forest are in urban interface areas. In the Tucson area alone there are approximately 60 miles of interface. The mixture of houses, flashy fuels and brush fields in full view of a large metropolitan area adds significantly to the challenges and complexity of even the smallest wildland fire.

Create  Defensible Space

Keep A Clean, Lean, Green Zone Around Your Home.

Create Defensible Space

  • Keep roofs, eaves, gutters, deck areas, and flowerbeds free of needles, leaves, bark, or other flammable vegetation.
  • Reduce low plants and brush, remove dead vegetation and overhanging tree limbs within 30 feet of all structures.
  • Store firewood, lumber and other burnable materials more than 30 feet from any structure.
  • Thin and prune trees within 100 feet of any structure.
  • Keep lawns, flowers, gardens, and yard plants well-watered and trimmed.
  • Make sure the address number is visible from the road and that street signs are maintained.

Creating Defensible Space flyer

Be Prepared if a Wildfire Occurs

By preparing ahead, your house has a better chance of surviving a wildfire. When a wildfire is immediately threatening your area, take the following steps to protect your home.

  • First, if you see a fire approaching your home, report it immediately by dialing 911. Stay on the phone to answer additional questions the emergency dispatcher may ask.
  • Next, dress properly to prevent burns and lifelong scars. Wear long pants and cotton or wool long-sleeve shirts or jackets. Gloves provide added protection. Do not wear short sleeve shirts or clothing made of synthetic fabrics.
  • If there is time before the fire arrives, take the following actions.

Emergency Wildfire Survival Checklist

Preparing to Evacuate

  • Park your car in the garage, heading out with windows closed and keys in the ignition.
  • Close the garage door but leave it unlocked; disconnect the automatic garage door opener in case of power failure.
  • Place valuable documents, family mementos and pets inside the car in the garage for quick departure, if necessary.
  • If you do evacuate, use your pre-planned route, away from the approaching fire front.
  • Keep a flashlight, cell phone and portable radio with you at all times.
  • If you are trapped by fire while evacuating in your car, park in an area clear of vegetation, close all vehicle windows and vents, cover yourself with a blanket or jacket and lie on the floor.
  • If you are trapped by fire while evacuating on foot, select an area clear of vegetation along a road. Cover any exposed skin with a jacket or blanket. Avoid canyons that can concentrate and channel fire.

Outside Your Home

  • Move combustible yard furniture away from the house or store it in the garage; if it catches fire while outside, the added heat could ignite your house.
  • Cover windows, attic openings, eave vents, and sub-floor vents with fire resistive material such as 1/2 inch or thicker plywood. This eliminates the possibility of sparks blowing into hidden areas within the house. Close window shutters if they are fire resistive.
  • Attach garden hoses to spigots and place them so they can reach any area of your house.
  • Fill trash cans and buckets with water and locate them where firefighters can find them.
  • If you have an emergency generator or a portable gasoline-powered pump that will supply water from a swimming pool, pond, well, or tank, clearly mark its location and make sure it is ready to operate.
  • Place a ladder against the house on the side opposite the approaching fire to help firefighters to rapidly get onto your roof.
  • Place a lawn sprinkler on flammable roofs, but don’t turn it on unless the fire is an immediate threat. You do not want to reduce the supply of water for the firefighters.

Inside Your Home

  • Close all windows and doors to prevent sparks from blowing inside
  • Close all doors inside the house to slow down the spread of fire from room to room
  • Turn on a light in each room of your house, on the porch, and in the yard. This will make the house more visible in heavy smoke or darkness.
  • Fill sinks, bathtubs, and buckets with water. These can be important extra water reservoirs.
  • Shut off liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas valves.
  • Move furniture away from windows and sliding glass doors to keep it from igniting from the heat of fire radiating through windows.
  • Remove your curtains and drapes. If you have metal blinds or special fire resistant window coverings, close them to block heat radiation.

If You Cannot Evacuate Your Home When A Fire Approaches

  • Stay inside your house, away from outside walls.
  • Close all doors, but leave them unlocked.
  • Keep your entire family together and remain calm.
  • Remember: If it gets hot in the house, it is many times hotter and more dangerous outside.

After The Fire Passes

  • Check the roof immediately, extinguishing all sparks and embers. If you must climb onto the roof, use caution, especially if it is wet.
  • Check your yard for burning woodpiles, trees, fence posts or other materials.
  • Keep the doors and windows closed.
  • Continue rechecking your home and yard for burning embers for at least 12 hours.

Be Prepared if a Wildfire Occurs flyer

Community Wildfire Protection Plans

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If you would like more information on protecting your home from wildfire, please visit these sites:

Fact Sheet: Wildland Fires
Wildfire: Are You Prepared?