Highline Fire June 14, 2017 Evening Update: Firefighters Worked to Hold the Fire on Rim as it Spread East into Upper Ellison Creek

Release Date: 

Contact(s): Highline Fire Information (928) 985-0097


  • Acres: 1,359 acres (based on infrared flight) 
  • Start Date: June 10, 2017
  • Cause: Unknown, under investigation
  • Origin Location: 8 mi N of Payson in the 1990 Dude Fire Scar
  • Containment: 0%
  • Fuels: Grass, brush, heavy dead and down, Ponderosa pine
  • Total personnel: 912 and mixed conifer


Today the fire continued to burn east in upper Ellison Canyon where it has burned into rocky areas of lighter fuel. 

Air tankers and helicopters were used again to slow the forward progress as crews worked to hold the fire at the 300 Road along the Rim. On the fire’s west flank a combination of light fuels and retardant drops by the DC-10 Very Large Air Tanker (VLAT) impeded the fires movement.  Crews successfully held the fire north of the Highline Trail and continue to burn fuels between the trail and the main fire as conditions allow.


Tonight, fire crews will work to improve upon progress made on the Highline Trail and hold the fire south of the 300 Road while patrolling for spot fires. A structure protection group will continue to prepare communities below the Highline Trail and complete the structure protection plan.


Hotter, drier weather has arrived and is presenting new challenges to firefighters.  Rapid fire growth can be expected over the next several days with temperatures reaching the upper 90’s and relative humidity dropping to as low as 3 percent. While temperatures are expected to cool overnight relative humidity will remain low.  Smoke can be expected to settle into low lying areas overnight. 


The fire is expected to actively burn through the night in upper Ellison Creek.  While fire activity is expected to diminish tonight, the forecast calls for potential down canyon winds which could challenge firefighters holding the fire at the Highline Trail. 


No evacuation orders are in effect at this time.  Precautionary Pre-Evacuation Notifications have been issued for the La Cienega and Ellison Creek Estates in the Ellison Creek drainage north of the Control Road. A Precautionary Pre-Evacuation Notification remains in effect for residents in Bonita Creek community.  It is important for residents in these areas to be prepared as conditions can change rapidly.


Coconino and Tonto National Forests (NF) Closure Orders and Fire Restrictions on the Tonto NF remain in effect.


Wildfires are a No Drone Zone. If you fly, we can’t. Every time a drone is spotted near the fire all aircraft are grounded until we can be sure the drone is clear of this area. More info visit Know Before You Fly, http://knowbeforeyoufly.org


Firefighters are working to limit the fire’s spread and protect values at risk where they can do so safely and effectively. These values include watersheds, private inholdings and local communities, pipelines, range improvements, powerlines, air quality, federally listed and sensitive species, and nationally and regionally significant trail systems.


Fire Information: (928) 985-0097 and (928) 362-2916 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm)

InciWeb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5233/ (Air Quality info, County Emergency Alert sign-up link, Firewise tips)

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/HighlineFireInfo/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/highlinefire