USDA Forest Service
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Global Positioning System > Global Positioning System (GPS) Links

Global Positioning System (GPS) Links

Faster Multiple File Downloads via FTP Software

Do you want to do faster multiple CBS file downloads? Click here for FTP info.

Question about a Base Station?

For specific information on CBS sites or file status please contact that sites CBS manager. For USFS managed sites see contact information page.

Coordinate Conversion

Free Coordinate is making available (at no cost) a Coordinate Conversion Web page ( that converts world-wide grid and datum projections. It works for over 40 different datums and grids, including utm, nad-27, nad-83 and State Plane Coordinate System. For example, you can enter Latitude and Longitude from the popular wgs-84 format used by gps devices, and convert them to a utm or State Plane coordinate system.

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USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.