Dispersed Camping

Dispersed (road-side) Camping

Throughout the Lincoln National Forest you are allowed to do what is called 'dispersed camping'. This is a rustic experience where you are allowed to drive up to 300' off of designated dirt Forest Service roads onto USFS lands to park and camp. Do not drive across creeks and no camping is allowed on private property or within city or village limits. The Motor Vehicle Use Map, available as a download from fs.usda.gov/Lincoln, will show detail on where camping is allowed in each district, as well as a listing of the roads allowing dispersed camping. This map is also available at the District offices, at no charge. No permits are needed for dispersed camping and no cost is associated with this camping experience. Be sure to bring what you need, especially water, and also pack out what you pack in. Leave No Trace principles should be followed for all camping experiences in the National Forest. 

Dispersed Camping

Dispersed Camping Areas

  • Guadalupe RD
  • Sacramento RD
  • Lower Karr Canyon Campground
  • Smokey Bear RD
  • Monjeau Lookout
  • Upper Bonito Dispersed Recreation Area

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities