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Danger Tree Mitigation Guidelines for Managers


Avoidance is a controlled technique used when it is preferable to leave a site untreated. Avoidance may require closing an area to ensure public and employee safety. Accurate tree assessment is required to determine whether a temporary or permanent closure is needed.

A temporary closure is used when an identified problem may be resolved at a later date. For example, mechanical mitigation methods may be delayed until the ground is frozen and the potential for soil disturbance is minimized.

A permanent closure is used when a solution to an existing problem currently is unavailable. A permanent closure should be monitored to determine if anything occurs to change the status of the problem. For example, funding may become available that makes an expensive mitigation method more feasible.

Closure enforcement is important for public safety and environmental concerns. Closures can be controversial. They can require large amounts of time to administer and enforce. Managers should identify alternatives, such as seasonal or type-of-use restrictions, and discuss them in a public forum. Explaining workforce limitations, agency budgets, and the dangers involved with mitigation methods is part of an educational process that builds public trust.

Closures require an examination of legal and policy issues that are beyond the scope of this report. Contact your forest planner to discuss laws and regulations related to the avoidance technique.

Image of a road block on a forest road with a "Road Closed" sign attached.