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T&D > Programs Areas > Engineering > Aquatic Organism Passage Training CD Program Areas

Aquatic Organism Passage Training CD

Authors: Dan Cenderelli, Bob Gubernick, Mark Weinhold, Kim Johansen, Kozmo Bates, Scott Jackson, Greg Napper

Bull Trout and Redd
Bull Trout and Redd


In response to a need to convert and update information currently presented in a four-day workshop, Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®) and First Image Corporation are developing an e-Learning webbased and CD course that will instruct users on the topic of Stream Simulation Design. This course will be designed to teach students how to assess and design for Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) at roadstream crossings.

By providing the user with the benefit of the latest multi-media technologies which will allow quick access to needed information this training course has five immediate goals: 1) provide instruction in stream simulation assessment, design, and construction concepts at road-stream crossings, 2) provide instruction in the fundamental sciences that provide the foundation of stream simulation, 3) provide
interactive exercises that reinforce the concepts of stream simulation, 4) build a common understanding of the design process among all disciplines involved in design; and 5) strengthen skills and understanding in all the individuals of a design team.

The Stream Simulation course is primarily geared toward interdisciplinary teams assessing and designing road-stream crossings for unimpeded aquatic organism passage. This training will give team members the ability to:

  • Describe in detail how to assess the stream and evaluate its suitability for stream simulation.
  • Describe in detail how to design stream simulation structures.
  • Provide examples of how to construct installations.
  • Discuss lessons learned in regards to monitoring installations.
  • Present different approaches to stream simulation in a variety of landscapes and different stream settings.