USDA Forest Service
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Products & Publications


Most of our publications can be found through TreeSearch : the national database of Forest Service Publications. Additionally, RMRS maintains a database of station publications available here.

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Bevers, M.; Kent, B. 2007, Managing risk with chance-constrained programming, Ch. 12 in: W.E. Martin, C. Raish and B. Kent, eds., Wildfire Risk: Human Perceptions and Management Implications, Resources for the Future Press, Washington, DC, pp. 212-225)

Liang, J., D.E. Calkin, K.M. Gebert, T.J. Venn, and R.P. Silverstein. 2008. Factors influencing large wildland fire suppression expenditures. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 17: 650-659)

E. Tom Bartlett, L. Allen Torell, Neil R. Rimbey, Larry W. Van Tassel, and Daniel W. McCollum Valuing Grazing Use on Public Land
J. Range Manage. 55: 426-438 September 2002



Aquarius: A modeling system for river-basin water allocation

PAIRCOMP: A program that administers the paired comparison experiment on a personal computer that presents the pairs of items on the monitor in a unique random order to control for order effects.

MAGIS and MAGIS eXpress: Multi-Resource Analysis and Geographic Information System: a Spatial Decision Support Software tool for land management planning. Tactical/Operational optimization for vegetatation treatment scheduling, with roads/access, budget, (non-valued) resource benefits condsidered.

OptFuels: Expected loss optimization (minimization) for fuel treatment scheduling, with or without road access

PLATA: Project Level Analysis of Alternatives: create reports for cost/benefit analysis of alternatives.

RMRATE: scales, summarizes, and analyzes rating data.






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Last Modified: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 12:46:27 CDT