Resource Management

Caring for the Land

The Cibola National Forest sustains the health, diversity, and productivity of the 1.6 million acres of forest and grasslands across New Mexico, western Oklahoma, and northern Texasand to meet the needs of present and future generations.

  • Forest Plan

    wildflowers on the cibola

    The Cibola’s revised Forest Plan provides a vision for the future and strategic guidance for managing cultural and natural resources, balancing multiple uses and restoring ecosystems, while connecting people to their land and heritage.

  • Biodiversity

    two mexican spotted owl fledgling perch in tree

    Helping to protect the Mexican Spotted Owls and the biodiversity of Southwestern Region.

  • Travel Management

    trail through meadow

    Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) show where you can drive your vehicles on the Cibola National Forest.  Also known as Travel Management Maps, they are available free to download or printed at any of ranger district offices.  (Also linked from MAPS!)