
Camping at Sheridan

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With several national icons nestled among the pines of the Black Hills National Forest, this Island in the Plains serves as the backdrop for these symbols of America. Specialized campgrounds, roaded recreation opportunities and a system of trails connecting communities, showcase this Forest that provides user friendly access to year round family activities. Together the attractive features of the Black Hills National Forest, Custer State Park, and area National Parks, Memorials, and Monuments are the foundation for the local recreation economies.

Amid the splendid scenery of the Black Hills National Forest are 11 reservoirs, 30 campgrounds, 26 picnic areas, 2 scenic byways, 1,300 miles of streams, 13,000 acres of wilderness, 353 miles of trails, and much more. 

  • Campground Reservations

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    Campground reservations may be made through at 1-877-444-6777 or online at Due to high demand, reservations are recommended.

  • Non-Motorized Trail Brochures

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    The Forest has over 450 miles of non-motorized trails ranging in length and difficulty. Many Forest trail brochures (.pdf) are available for free download.

  • Black Elk Wilderness & Norbeck Wildlife Preserve

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    Black Elk Wilderness is located in in the center of the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve and was designated as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System by Congress in 1980.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information