Green Pond Trail

Watch for an arrow sign about 3/4 mile from the parking lot. It is next to a large cottonwood tree where the road turns straight up the mountain at a very steep incline. This is where the single track hiking trail leaves the cache road and travels directly to the ponds. There is also a trail that leaves the road at the turn that would take you back to the paved highway across from the Snowbasin Ski Area sign and the road to the lower parking lot. The trail to Green pond is a difficult trail and not for the faint of heart. The trail is narrow and very rocky. It is very popular for mountain bikes and some races are held here. Signing is very limited. Once you reach Green pond, circle around the lower end and follow the hiking trail over the next hill. Another pond will be found here. Total distance is approximately 2.0 miles with walking time approximately 2-3 hours. Take drinking water and something to eat. Once you are on your way, keep watch for birds of prey, hawks, eagles, and owls. The open fields provide good hunting grounds for the air-born predators. The wetland habitat around the pond may surprise you with more sightings of wildlife such as moose. Important safety tip: don't make the moose mad. A Great Horned Owl has been known to roost near the pond. It's a good place to try your cross-country skis. The slopes seldom have a high risk of avalanche because of the shallow slope and brush cover. A developed alpine skiing run, Penny Lane, is above you on the mountain. Please don't use this route unless you must. Never travel uphill against the traffic even if you think you are only on the edge of the run. This is not safe or allowed within a developed ski area.

At a Glance

Usage: Light

General Information

Directions: The Green Pond Trail begins at the upper parking lot of Snowbasin Ski Area. Follow the dirt road, locally known as the 'cache' road, south out of the parking lot. This is immediately left as you enter the upper parking lot. A large green gate blocks the road to motorized vehicles but self propelled travelers can step through or around it. You will see two large cement or metal vaults soon after you leave the parking lot. These are ski area property so please don't attempt to explore these. You can take the trail straight out and back or follow an alternate route which loops back to the parking area.


Mountain Biking

Respect Private Property at the Ski Area and on lands nearby.
Difficulty Level: More Difficult

Day Hiking

Horse Riding

Difficulty Level: More to Most Difficult

XC Skiing/Snowshoeing

Difficulty Level: More to Most Difficult

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
2 mile loop

  Elevation : 
6600 ft - 6500