Opossum Creek Falls

Opossum Creek Falls Photo credit: Paul Finke

The two-hour journey is worth the effort to reach the 50-foot Opossum Creek Falls. Most of the two-mile hike ambles along a pleasant trail shaded by an assortment of hardwoods and bordered at times by small partridgeberry wildflowers. But when you reach the Chattooga River, you will turn left onto a heavily vegetated path and scramble around rocks and trees for the last half-mile hike to the base of the waterfall.

Trail description:

  • From the Trailhead, the trail is MODERATELY difficult as it drops rapidly the first half-mile. There are steps and switchbacks.
  • The trail flattens out to an EASY hike as it parallels Camp Branch for about 1-mile.
  • The trail begins to go up and down for about a half mile. Expect some obstacles such as fallen or uprooted trees.
  • The last half-mile to the Chattooga River is EASY but is a downhill walk.
  • At the Chattooga River, the trail makes a sharp left turn toward Opossum Creek and a flat area with lots of logs that the river deposited during peak flow. You will notice a user-developed path that goes right, upstream toward shoreline rocks.
  • A signpost indicates the start of the 0.3 mile trail up Opossum Creek toward the falls.
  • About halfway there, the trail crosses the creek. You will have to wade in the creek or step on rocks to cross, which can be slippery when wet.
  • You will have to climb over large boulders and logs to reach the base of the falls. These can be slippery.


At a Glance

Open Season: All year
Restrictions: Waterfalls can be very dangerous! Do not climb on the rocks surrounding the falls.
Information Center: Primitive camping is permitted, but selected sites must be 50 feet from the river, streams and trails, and must be at least .25 miles from the road.

General Information


From Westminster, drive west 13.3 miles on US Highway 76 and turn left onto Damascus Church Road (County S-96). Drive 0.9 mile and turn right onto Battle Creek Road (County S-102). Drive 1.9 miles and turn right onto Turkey Ridge Road (FS 755). Drive 2.3 miles and park at pull off on left just past the trailhead. Hike 1.5 miles to the end of the trail where Opossum Creek enters the Chattooga River. Turn left and cross over a downed log. Continue upstream on Opossum Creek about 0.5 mile to the base of the waterfall.

General Notes:
  • Allow plenty of time. The hike will take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours to reach the falls, and it's all downhill to reach the falls. The return hike is all uphill. 
  • Appropriate footwear, plenty of water and food are recommended.
  • Cellular service is available at the parking lot but is NOT available lower on the trail and at the river or the falls.

  • Parking surface: Dirt/gravel.
  • Parking number of vehicles: Approximately 10.
  • Parking overflow: YES, in wide spots along access road.
  • RV/Trailer access: NO.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Two hours one way
Difficulty Level: Difficult


Viewing Scenery

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
2 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
975 feet at base of waterfall - 1650 feet at trailhead