Cahuilla Tewanet Scenic Overlook

Area Status: Open
Cahuilla Tewanet Scenic Overlook entrance sign

A nature trail and scenic overlook into the Santa Rosa Mountain range, located on State Highway 74 near Pinyon Flats, approximately ten miles south of Palm Desert.

A roadside stop and destination for travelers to learn about the native people where what is now known as the Coachella Valley, 21 interpretive panels help visitors understand how the natural resources, preserved as San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains National Monument, continue to be a living landscape for the indigenous people and by Cahuilla People today.

Managed for cultural and biological preservation, the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management integrate the values of local tribes which live adjacent to the Monument in this project by involving tribal members in the development of content and photography. A panel addressing Bird Songs, the oral history of these people is accompanied by an audio box where one can listen to Cahuilla Bird Singers chant with rattle percussion. On the final panel, “Taxliswetem, Cahuilla People” the Cahuilla address how they survived the changes non-Indians brought to their world and they learned how to adapt to changing life ways.

At a Glance

Information Center:
Santa Rosa & San Jacinto Mountains National Monument
51500 Highway 74
Palm Desert, CA 92260

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Viewing Scenery

Interpretive Areas

Scenic Driving

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Recreation Activities


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