Sissy #716

The Sissy Trail #716 is most often used by people camping in the Weir & Johnson Campground who are interested in a quick and easy hike. The primary vegetation along this trail includes spruce and fir trees. Sissy Lake is a shallow lake and does not support any type of fish habitat.

Geo-Ref Trail Map   Geo-Reference Instructions

At a Glance

Open Season: June - October
Usage: Heavy
Best Season: Summer
Busiest Season: Summer
Restrictions: Open to Hiking, Horseback, and Mountain Bikes.

General Information



Turn off of the Trickle Park Road, FSR #121 onto the Weir & Johnson Road, FSR #126.1 and travel east on this road until it dead ends at the Weir & Johnson Campground. The Sissy Trailhead is located at the end of the parking area, approximately 40 yards across the dam to where both the Sissy Trail and the Leon Lake Trails begins.


This trailhead is located on the southeast corner of Sissy Lake which is also called the Leon Peak Reservoir. The only access route to this location is by using the Sissy Trail itself.



From Weir & Johnson Campground. T. 11S. , R. 93W. , Sec. 30. U.S.G.S Map: Loen Peak.


From the east side of Sissy Lake. T. 11S. , R. 93W. , Sec. 30. U.S.G.S Map: Leon Peak.


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking

Horse Riding