Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 - Middle


Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 vicinity map

Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 vicinity map

Fremont National Recreation Trail #160, Middle Segment of the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 travels from Government Harvey Pass to Cox Pass.

This portion of the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 between Government Harvey Pass and Cox Pass is approximately 50 miles in length. This 50 mile segment of the Fremont National Recreation Trail (NRT) offers just about every type of environmental landscape the Fremont has to offer; including high elevation sub-alpine vegetation, colorful lichen encrusted rimrocks, open ponderosa pine stands, dense stands of lodgepole pine, lush meadows, deeply shaded mixed conifer old growth stands, and sagebrush/juniper covered rolling hills. The trail is well signed and is marked with grey diamonds and red, white, and blue National Recreation Trail logo reassurance markers. Seasonal wildflowers abound throughout the route. Environmental changes are frequent and the views are stunning as the user travels this portion of the Fremont National Recreation Trail. 

From Government Harvey Pass the trail runs south along the crest of Winter Rim, a fault block rising more than 2000 ft. above the Summer Lake basin. Some spectacular vistas of the Summer Lake basin and the high desert to the east of it are available from this portion of the trail. In this vicinity the trail offers access to the Slide Mountain Geologic Area via a short (1.5 mile) side trip on a primitive road. Fishing opportunities are found along several miles of this trail as it descends Bear Creek and again when it reaches the Chewaucan River (16.5 miles south of Govt. Harvey). After crossing the Chewaucan River the trail ascends another high ridge. It climbs 2424 feet over the next 10 miles to reach the summit of Morgan Butte. Here, if they wish, trail users can visit with the Forest Service employee who staffs the fire detection lookout located there. The panoramic vistas for up to 150 miles in all directions at this point "have to be seen to be believed."  From Morgan Butte it is another 8 extremely scenic miles to Moss Pass Trailhead. From Moss Pass to Cox Pass is an interesting and relatively easy 15 mile trip with great views of Abert Rim, one of the highest fault block scarps in North America.

At a Glance

Open Season: Year round - weather dependant
Usage: Light-Medium
Closest Towns: Paisley, OR
Water: Treat all non-potable water before consuming
Operated By: Forest Service
Information Center: Fremont-Winema National Forest (541) 947-2151

General Information

General Notes:

Packstock watering chances are located along the route every two or three miles. Sites suitable for primitive camping are common. Please pack out your garbage and Tread Lightly!


There are a number of road access points available for shuttle vehicle parking on this route for users who do not wish to travel the entire distance.

See forest visitor maps available at all Fremont-Winema National Forest offices.



Mountain Biking

Day Hiking


Horse Riding

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
50.0 miles

  Elevation : 
4810' - 7370'