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USFS Logo Research Data Archive


Images in this database are made freely available to the public under our data use agreement outlining conditions of use such as redistribution, citation, notification, and distribution liability. The Open Access - Data Use Agreement is implicitly agreed to by anyone acquiring images from this repository. Formally, Archive-published images are released under the Creative Commons CC-BY license structure. This allows for broad use and re-use, while preserving the expectation of citation of the image to document that use and credit the intellectual work of the author(s).

Open Access - Data Use Agreement

By downloading an image or the results of a database query, the User agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement.

These images were taken or processed using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. Permission to acquire and use these data is granted to the User subject to the following terms.

Conditions of Use:

1. Citation.It is routine professional ethics to acknowledge the work of other researchers. Thus, the image user must properly cite the image; please use the citation provided in the image metadata.

2. Quality and Reliability. The User will notify the Archive team if errors are identified in the image metadata. This will allow the team to evaluate the problem(s) and determine an appropriate solution. The User agrees to not re-distribute a modified version of the image and represent it as the original image. (Sharing the unmodified version is permissible under the agreement.)
