Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) files associated with the compendium of silvicultural treatments for forest types in the United States


Originator: Houtman, Rachel M.
Originator: Day, Michelle A.
Originator: Hooten, Erin
Originator: Ritchie, Martin W.
Originator: Jain, Theresa B.
Originator: Schuler, Thomas M.
Publication_Date: 2023
Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) files associated with the compendium of silvicultural treatments for forest types in the United States
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: tabular digital data
Publication_Place: Fort Collins, CO
Publisher: Forest Service Research Data Archive
Updated 04 June 2024
The national silviculture compendium is the first-ever compendium of silviculture treatments that cover most commercially operable forest types in the United States, built with input from a national team of silviculture experts from each National Forest System Region and Research Station of the USDA Forest Service. The compendium contains 240 silvicultural treatments, and 266 associated keyword component files (KCP) that are used with the Forest Service-supported Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), covering all regions and most commercial forest types in the United States in 2020. The treatments are based on current national forest plans and objectives but are relevant to other forested lands with similar conditions and management objectives. In part, the silvicultural compendium provides plausible real-world treatments to be used by planners, modelers, for training purposes (e.g., National Advanced Silviculture Program), and by others needing to simulate management-driven treatments with validated silvicultural parameters defined by silviculture experts from each region. Currently, KCP files for Regions 1-6 are available (Regions 8, 9 and 10 will be added as they are finalized). This data publication also includes information files such as a complete description of the 8 main treatment types and a list of each national forest and their organization code and region. Also included is a crosswalk between the KCP files and vegetation characteristics which can be used to apply KCPs to stands within each national forest in the United States, assigning treatments by biophysical setting, NVC and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) cover type is included. Additionally, a table documenting a broad potential application of KCP files to appropriate National Vegetation Classifications (NVC) that are not represented in the compendium but exist within a given national forest is provided. This list of treatments by NVC and forest can be used to assign treatments to areas that are otherwise unassigned treatments within the compendium.
The rapid pace of environmental and socioeconomic change poses a considerable challenge to managing for resilient and productive forests for the remainder of the 21st century. Nuanced management priorities will continue to evolve but the current challenges to address climate change, wildfires, insects and diseases, and invasive species will remain, and will require science-based and often active forest management to achieve resilient and productive forests. The national silviculture compendium was designed for use in large-scale modeling of forest treatments with potential application on over 300 million forested acres in the United States. Treatments are not intended to replace site-specific information or local expertise for actual on-the-ground plans but are generalized treatments that include parameters that are plausible for an identified objective, current condition, and desired condition. And although not intended to cover every conceivable situation, the silvicultural treatments were developed within the context of biophysical settings and forest types and address most of the conditions and objectives that prevail in each region across the country. Management needs that are addressed include forest restoration, fuel reduction, insects and disease resilience, timber production, wildlife habitat improvement, and many others. Moreover, almost all of the prescriptions were designated as improving multiple management objectives.

The treatments in the compendium are limited to one entry, or the first entry within a multi-step process (referred to as a silviculture system). For example, the uneven-aged group selection treatment here includes species to retain, the percentage of stand in harvested groups, the size of the groups, the residual density of the matrix, as well as other parameters, but it does not specify the length of the cutting cycle. The primary objective of the silviculture compendium is to test the effectiveness of meeting landscape, regional, and national goals in the short term (3 to 5 years) by simulating real-world silvicultural treatments used presently, which are also socially acceptable, ecologically viable, economically desirable, and consistent with regional and forest-level standards and guidelines.
For more information about these data, see Schuler et al. (2024).

These data were published on 07/20/2023. On 06/04/2024, data for Region 4 were added along with minor metadata updates.
Calendar_Date: 2020
Ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed
These data present the United States (including Alaska and Puerto Rico).
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -172.4431
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -65.2210
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 71.3870
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 17.8815
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: biota
Theme_Keyword: environment
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: National Research & Development Taxonomy
Theme_Keyword: Natural Resource Management & Use
Theme_Keyword: Forest management
Theme_Keyword: Restoration
Theme_Keyword: Timber
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Forest Vegetation Simulator
Theme_Keyword: FVS
Theme_Keyword: silviculture
Theme_Keyword: forest management
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: United States
Access_Constraints: None
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:

Houtman, Rachel M.; Day, Michelle A.; Hooten, Erin; Ritchie, Martin W.; Jain, Theresa B.; Schuler, Thomas M. 2023. Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) files associated with the compendium of silvicultural treatments for forest types in the United States. Updated 04 June 2024. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Contact_Person: Michelle Day
Contact_Position: Biological Scientist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 3200 SW Jefferson Way
City: Corvallis
State_or_Province: OR
Postal_Code: 97331
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 541-758-7768
Contact Instructions: This contact information was current as of original publication date. For current information see Contact Us page on:
This project was funded by the USDA Forest Service, Washington Office; USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; and USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.

Author Information:

Rachel M. Houtman
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Michelle A. Day
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Erin Hooten
USDA Forest Service, Region 4, Bridger-Teton National Forest

Martin W. Ritchie
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station

Theresa B. Jain
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Thomas M. Schuler
USDA Forest Service, Washington Office
Originator: Schuler, Thomas M.
Originator: Jain, Theresa B.
Originator: Day, Michelle A.
Originator: Dey, Daniel C.
Originator: Patel-Weynand, Toral
Publication_Date: 2024
Active management for resilient and productive forests
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: document
Series_Name: General Technical Report
Issue_Identification: WO-GTR-103
Publication_Place: Washington, DC
Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office
[In press]
The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) is a model used for predicting forest stand dynamics.
See website and user's guide:

Dixon, Gary E. (comp.). 2002. Essential FVS: a user’s guide to the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Internal Report. Revised August 2022. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. 226 p.
Originator: Crookston, Nicholas L.
Originator: Dixon, Gary E.
Publication_Date: 2005
The forest vegetation simulator: a review of its structure, content, and applications
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: journal article
Series_Name: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Issue_Identification: 49(1): 60-80
FVS Online: family of individual-tree, distance-independent, forest growth simulation models.
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Regional silvicultural experts reviewed the assignment of treatments by NVC. KCP files were reviewed and tested for accuracy.
All treatment files were tested on a sample set of 10 stands from their respective regions using FVS Online ( Outputs from these simulations were checked for errors, including ensuring correct thinning targets were met, event years processed activities as expected, and identifying/correcting any coding errors such as incorrectly spelled or parameterized keywords.
The KCP files are intended to simulate the silviculture treatments specified in Appendix B (Schuler et al. 2024) and do not include all of the data processing and output files needed to run a simulation using the Forest Vegetation Simulator.

The assignment of treatments to each NVC included incomplete information. In many cases, some classes were excluded in the original library. In order to address this omission, the regional silviculturists were provided with a list of any NVCs that contained no treatment options and were asked to assign the best treatment from those available. In some cases, silviculturists indicated that no treatments would be carried out on a specific NVC, which is reflected in the data files.

Currently KCP files are available only for U.S. Forest Service Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. KCP files for the remaining regions (8, 9 and 10) will be made available in updates to this publication when completed.
Methodology_Type: Field
A committee of regional silviculturists and senior researchers from each U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service region and research station across the country developed the initial treatments on most commercially operable forest types. All of the research personnel involved were nominated to be part of the team by their respective station directors based on their expertise in silviculture and existing connections with National Forest System management. The regional silviculturists all have a high level of silviculture expertise and hold key leadership positions in their respective regions. After months of planning and collaboration regarding what to include in a national silviculture prescription compendium, a workshop was held in April 2019 to present the initial prescriptions and management issues driving the prescriptions. Experts in modeling, fire and fuels, climate change, forest inventory, markets, and economics also participated in the workshop and made presentations to help inform and refine the treatments. Following the workshop, regional working groups continued to refine the silvicultural parameters and other necessary details.

Each regional working group produced a set of treatments consistent with the primary treatment types in use across their respective forests. In order to identify and classify the treatment types, they were asked to considered treatments by three grouping systems commonly applied within the context of fire, inventory, and vegetation classification: 1) Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) forest cover types and in some cases, forest cover type groups; 2) LANDFIRE biophysical settings (BpS), which describe both the reference conditions of the site as well as the current vegetation; and 3) the newly adopted U.S. National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Groups. BpS designations were translated to the NVC Groups using a LANDFIRE-supplied crosswalk. These land type categories were connected to management goals, and the goals were used to identify activities that would be carried out within each BpS and NVC category by region. These classifications were also used to identify categories that would not be thinned or treated for fuels (i.e. a stand in the initiation state).

The management goal for each prescription can either be comprised of a single objective, such as fuel reduction, or of multiple objectives, referred to broadly as an integrated objective. For example, a set of objectives to restore ecosystems is considered an integrated objective. Site productivity can also influence the treatment so a drop-down list was provided showing site productivity, which is included in each treatment. Most treatments were assigned irrespective of site productivity. Depending on current forest composition, specific tree species are either removed or retained. Designing treatments also requires understanding the current forest structure. For example, a stand in the initiation phase does not require a commercial thin; whereas a stand that has entered stem exclusion could require a commercial thin if the trees are of commercial size. Other considerations were also included. For example, in many places, part of the objective is to favor a particular species composition or favor the presence of specific tree species. Treatment type (i.e. commercial thin, biomass removal, etc.) was then identified by the regional silviculturists based on these components. Note that treatments were defined for each region, so while there may be identical treatments that exist across regions by the land classification categories, specific parameters for treatments were defined within each region. In some cases multiple treatments within regions were given the same treatment type, but varied in parameters based on forest structure, BpS/NVC, or even forest. The total number of unique treatments designed across all regions (240) are a reflection of region and forest-specific treatment parameters. These categories should be considered when determining which treatments to apply to specific locations.

Treatment instructions and parameters were composed in such a way that they could be easily translated into functional keywords used to simulate activities in the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) and the associated Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE). FVS is the forest growth and yield simulator supported by the Forest Service and consists of regional growth and yield variants, model extensions, and a common user interface. FVS predicts growth and mortality for most forest tree species, forest types, and stand conditions found in the United States, although it has yet to be calibrated for Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands. FVS users specify keywords to simulate treatment activities and any associated parameters. FVS also links with FFE, which includes models of fire behavior, fire effects, and fuel loading, which are critical data needed for managing fire prone forests. In order to link the silvicultural treatments to the FVS model, each treatment has an associated set of FVS instructions referred to in a keyword component (KCP) file.

KCP files were written to broadly simulate the treatments outlined in Appendix B in Schuler et al. (2024) within FVS. Users should identify any calibrations needed for specific projects based on location, specific stand conditions, and project goals. Examples of calibrations that could be necessary include adjusting the parameters on harvest preference by species (SpecPref), updating broadcast burn parameters for local weather conditions, and adjusting thinning targets. In some cases, for example, silviculturists assigned a range of values for thinning targets. The target value was set to the middle of the range and should be adjusted to meet specific project goals.

The KCP file crosswalk and national forest NVC assignment lists were created to provide users with guidance in assigning treatments to stands on a real landscape. The NVC assignment list can be used to identify any treatments that could be used in a specific NVC, by region and forest. This crosswalk between treatments and NVCs is broad, in many cases providing a set of possible KCP files for each NVC within a forest. The KCP file crosswalk can also be used to make finer-scale assignments based on BpS, NVC, and FIA cover type.

Individual KCP files will likely need fine-tuning to make them work as intended for a given location and project. Users should be competent working with the FVS program, including inputs, keyword component files, and outputs before using the KCP files associated here.
Originator: Schuler, Thomas M.
Originator: Jain, Theresa B.
Originator: Day, Michelle A.
Originator: Dey, Daniel C.
Originator: Patel-Weynand, Toral
Publication_Date: 2024
Active management for resilient and productive forests
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: document
Series_Name: General Technical Report
Issue_Identification: WO-GTR-103
Publication_Place: Washington, DC
Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office
[In press]
Originator: Ruefenacht, Bonnie
Originator: Finco, Mark V.
Originator: Nelco, Mark D.
Originator: Czaplewski, Raymond L.
Originator: Helmer, Eileen H.
Originator: Blackard, Jock A.
Originator: Holden, Geoffrey R.
Originator: Lister, Andrew J.
Originator: Salajanu, Dumitru
Originator: Weyermann, Dale L.
Originator: Winterberger, Kenneth C.
Publication_Date: 2008
Conterminous U.S. and Alaska forest type mapping using forest inventory and analysis data
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: tabular digital data
Series_Name: Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Issue_Identification: 74(11): 1379-1388
Type_of_Source_Media: Online
Beginning_Date: 1990
Ending_Date: 2004
Publication Date
Ruefenacht et al. (2008)
Forest type data were used to identify the cover types present in the forests in each region. Those determined by each region to be of commercial interest were used as part of the identification of needed treatments.
Originator: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Originator: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Publication_Date: 2014
LANDFIRE biophysical settings layer
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
Type_of_Source_Media: Online
Beginning_Date: 2014
Publication Date
BpS; LANDFIRE (2014)
Biophysical settings data were used which represent the vegetation system that may have been dominant on the landscape prior to Euro-American settlement and is based on both the current biophysical environment and an approximation of the historical disturbance regime.
Originator: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Originator: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Publication_Date: 2016
LANDFIRE national vegetation classification
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
Type_of_Source_Media: Online
Beginning_Date: 2016
Publication Date
Existing Vegetation Type National Vegetation Classification data were used representing the current distribution of vegetation groups within the U.S. National Vegetation Classification circa 2016. These groups are defined as combinations of relatively narrow sets of diagnostic plant species, including dominants and co-dominants, broadly similar composition, and diagnostic growth forms.
See methodology section
Process_Date: Unknown
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Below you will find a list and description of the files included in this data publication.


1. \Data\_variable_descriptions.csv: Comma-separated values (CSV) file containing a list and description of variables found in data files. (A description of these variables is also provided in the metadata below.)

Columns include:

Filename = name of data file
Variable = name of variable
Description = description of variable


1-266. \Data\KCP_files\[Region ##]-[Reference ###].kcp: Keyword Component (KCP) files (standard text files) associated with 240 silvicultural treatments, to be used with the Forest Service-supported Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), covering all regions and most commercial forest types in the United States. File names reflect the USDA Forest Service region and reference number (e.g., KCP file for region 1 and reference 2 is named: 01.02.kcp). Note that in some cases the reference number also includes a letter (e.g., "a" or "b") indicating two prescriptions are applied, each to a designated proportion of the stand, in group selection treatments. This package will eventually include 266 KCP files, but not all files are available at this time.


1. \Data\SilvicultureCompendium_KCP_file_Crosswalk.csv: CSV file containing a crosswalk between the KCP files, the SilvicultureCompendium_NF_NVC_Assignments_List.csv file, and the SilvicultureCompendium_TreatmentTypes.csv file.

Columns include:

Region = USDA Forest Service Region. Regions are divisions of the national forest system. Regions are listed on (Note: there is no Region 7)

FORESTNAME = The name of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by drilling through regions on

FORESTORGCODE = The numerical code of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by referencing override codes here

KCP_filename1 = Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) filename for treatment 1

KCP_filename2 = Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) filename for treatment 2 (NA = Not applicable)

Treatment_Type1 = Treatment type associated with KCP_filename1 (see SilvicultureCompendium_TreatmentTypes.csv)

Treatment_Type2 = Treatment type associated with KCP_filename2 (NA = Not applicable)

Proportion1 = The proportion of the stand to be treated with treatment 1. This is the value for the relative weights field in FVS Online.

Proportion2 = The proportion of the stand to be treated with treatment 2. This is the value for the relative weights field in FVS Online.

BpS = LANDFIRE biophysical setting code (LANDFIRE 2014)

NVC = National Vegetation Classification Code (LANDFIRE 2016)

FIA_Type_Code = Forest Inventory and Analysis Cover Type Code (Ruefenacht et al. 2008)

FIA_Cover_Type = Forest Inventory and Analysis Cover Type name (Ruefenacht et al. 2008)

Flag = Information relevant to extent of national forest (1 = Bitterroot (minor - grand fir component on forest, minor western red cedar (RC) in drainages); 2 = small portions of the Lassen and Modoc National Forests; 3 = Pisgah, Nantahala)

2.\Data\SilvicultureCompendium_NF_List.csv: CSV file containing a list of all national forests and associated region and organizational code.

Columns include:

Region = USDA Forest Service Region. Regions are divisions of the national forest system. Regions are listed on (Note: there is no Region 7)

FORESTNAME = The name of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by drilling through regions on

FORESTORGCODE = The numerical code of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by referencing override codes here

3. \Data\SilvicultureCompendium_NF_NVC_Assignment_List.csv: CSV file containing a list of the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and the KCP filenames associated with the NVC used in the compendium, the associated region and national forests in the compendium for the specified national forest.

Columns include:

Region = USDA Forest Service Region. Regions are divisions of the national forest system. Regions are listed on (Note: there is no Region 7)

FORESTORGCODE = The numerical code of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by referencing override codes here

FORESTNAME = The name of the U.S. Forest that administers the land. Forests are subdivisions of regions and can be found by drilling through regions on

NVC = National Vegetation Classification Code (LANDFIRE 2016)

Added = NVC not present in this national forest in the compendium but could be applied where warranted (see Assignment, Compendium_NVCs, or Region_NVCs) (0 = present, see Forest_NVCs; 1 = added by Regional Silviculturalist)

Assignment = KCP filenames assigned to this NVC by a regional silviculturist within the associated national forest (not part of the original compendium of Silviculture Treatments for Forest Types in the United States) (-999 = not applicable; "No treatment assigned" = no treatment assigned by silviculturalist, use Region_NVCs or Compendium_NVCs as appropriate; "Not typically managed" = is sensitive and is not typically managed or it is too small to have silvicultural guidance)

Compendium_NVCs = KCP filenames associated with this NVC used anywhere in the compendium (-999 = not applicable)

Region_NVCs = KCP filenames associated with this NVC used in the associated Region in the compendium (-999 = not applicable)

Forest_NVCs = KCP filenames associated with NVC used specifically in this national forest (-999 = not applicable)

4. \Data\SilvicultureCompendium_TreatmentTypes.csv: CSV file containing a list and description of 8 treatment types along with the activities and parameters that may be used to code modeled treatments in the Forest Vegetation Simulator.

Columns include:

Treatment_Type = Treatment type following the terminology defined by the professional standards (Deal 2018; Schuler et al. 2024 Appendix B, Table B2).

Description = Description of treatment (Deal 2018; Schuler et al. 2024 Appendix B, Table B2)

Treatment_parameters = Activities and parameters that may be used to code modeled treatments in the Forest Vegetation Simulator
Deal, Robert, ed. 2018. Dictionary of forestry. 2nd ed. Bethesda, MD: Society of American Foresters.

LANDFIRE: LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings layer. 2014. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

LANDFIRE: LANDFIRE National Vegetation Classification. 2016. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Ruefenacht, Bonnie; Finco, Mark V.; Nelson, Mark D.; Czaplewski, Raymond L.; Helmer, Eileen H.; Blackard, Jock A.; Holden, Geoffrey R.; Lister, Andrew J.; Salajanu, Dumitru; Weyermann, Dale L.; Winterberger, Kenneth C. 2008. Conterminous U.S. and Alaska forest type mapping using forest inventory and analysis data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 74(11): 1379-1388. and

Schuler, Thomas M.; Jain, Theresa B.; Day, Michelle A.; Dey, Daniel C.; Patel-Weynand, Toral. [In press, 2024]. Active management for resilient and productive forests. General Technical Report. WO-GTR-103. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office.
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Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Research and Development
Contact_Position: Research Data Archivist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 240 West Prospect Road
City: Fort Collins
State_or_Province: CO
Postal_Code: 80526
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: see Contact Instructions
Contact Instructions: This contact information was current as of June 2024. For current information see Contact Us page on:
Resource_Description: RDS-2022-0037
Metadata documents have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Unless otherwise stated, all data and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. However, neither the author, the Archive, nor any part of the federal government can assure the reliability or suitability of these data for a particular purpose. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed for a user's application of these data or related materials.

The metadata, data, or related materials may be updated without notification. If a user believes errors are present in the metadata, data or related materials, please use the information in (1) Identification Information: Point of Contact, (2) Metadata Reference: Metadata Contact, or (3) Distribution Information: Distributor to notify the author or the Archive of the issues.
Format_Name: CSV
Format_Version_Number: see Format Specification
Comma-separated values file
Format_Name: KCP
Format_Version_Number: see Format Specification
Keyword Component file (standard text file)
Fees: None
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Metadata_Date: 20240604
Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Contact_Person: Rachel Houtman
Contact_Position: Biological Scientist
Contact Instructions: This contact information was current as of June 2024. For current information see Contact Us page on:
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001.1-1999
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