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Publication Details

SVDmodel/SVD: GYE regeneration failure (v0.31) and SVDmodel/models: GYE regeneration failure (0.3)
Rammer, Werner; Braziunas, Kristin H.; Hansen, Winslow D.; Ratajczak, Zak; Westerling, Anthony L.; Turner, Monica G.; Seidl, Rupert
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How to Cite:
If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citations:
Rammer, Werner; Braziunas, Kristin H.; Hansen, Winslow D.; Ratajczak, Zak; Westerling, Anthony L.; Turner, Monica G.; Seidl, Rupert. 2021. SVDmodel/SVD: GYE regeneration failure (v0.31). Zenodo.

Rammer, Werner; Braziunas, Kristin H.; Hansen, Winslow D.; Ratajczak, Zak; Westerling, Anthony L.; Turner, Monica G.; Seidl, Rupert. 2021. SVDmodel/models: GYE regeneration failure (0.3). Zenodo.
Scaling vegetation dynamics (SVD) is a novel approach for scaling vegetation dynamics, that facilitates Deep Neural networks for predicting vegetation transitions. We applied this novel simulation approach assimilating data-driven fire projections with vegetation responses from process modeling (using iLand) by means of deep neural networks. We quantified the future probability of tree regeneration failure, identified spatial hotspots of regeneration failure, and assessed how current forest types differ in their ability to regenerate under future climate and fire. We modeled forested area throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), which is 2.9 x 106 hectares of forest. We simulated four climate scenarios until 2100 at a fine spatial grain (1-hectare). This data package contains the code and data that support the findings of this study.

biota; Climate change; Fire; regeneration failure; fire projections; vegetation response; scaling vegetation dynamics; climate scenarios; Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem; Yellowstone National Park; Grand Teton National Park; Wyoming
Related publications:
  • Rammer, Werner; Braziunas, Kristin H.; Hansen, Winslow D.; Ratajczak, Zak; Westerling, Anthony L.; Turner, Monica G.; Seidl, Rupert. 2021. Widespread regeneration failure in forests of Greater Yellowstone under scenarios of future climate and fire. Global Change Biology. 27(8): 4339-4351.
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