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Publication Details

Stambaugh - Pine Camp - PIEC - ITRDB TN032
Stambaugh, Michael C.; Guyette, Richard P.; Marschall, Joseph M.
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How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Stambaugh, Michael C.; Guyette, Richard P.; Marschall, Joseph M. 2013. Stambaugh - Pine Camp - PIEC - ITRDB TN032. Boulder, CO: NCDC-Paleoclimatology.
Fire scar histories are a critical fire data source because they form a foundation for defining fire regimes. This data package contains crossdated tree-ring measurements used to date fire scars for Pine Creek Camp in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area in Tennessee from 1791 to 2005. These data are part of a larger project to archive fire history data in the southern and eastern United States.

earth science; paleoclimate; tree-ring; ring width; Pinus echinata Mill.; shortleaf pine; JFSP; Joint Fire Science Program; geoscientificInformation; Fire; Fire detection; Fire ecology; Pine Camp; Tennessee
Related publications:
  • Guyette, Richard P.; Stambaugh, Michael C.; Dey, Daniel C.; Muzika, Rose M. 2012. Predicting fire frequency with chemistry and climate. Ecosystems. 15: 322-335.
  • Guyette, Richard P.; Stambaugh, Michael C.; Dey, Daniel C. 2010. Developing and using fire scar histories in the southern and eastern United States. Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program. Project # 06-3-1-16.
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