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Publication Details

Water yield projections due to climate variability and change in the United States for current and mid-century periods: A 2020 RPA Assessment
Warziniack, Travis W.; Arabi, Mazdak; Froemke, Pamela M.; Ghosh, Rohini; Heidari, Hadi; Rasmussen, Shaundra M.; Swarzentruber, Ryan
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How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Warziniack, Travis W.; Arabi, Mazdak; Froemke, Pamela M.; Ghosh, Rohini; Heidari, Hadi; Rasmussen, Shaundra M.; Swarzentruber, Ryan. 2023. Water yield projections due to climate variability and change in the United States for current and mid-century periods: A 2020 RPA Assessment. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
Hydrological responses to climate variability and change were assessed for the current (1986-2015) and mid-century (2041-2070) periods. This publication contains data describing water yields for the conterminous United States for a 30-year period and predictive data for changes in annual potential evapotranspiration, precipitation, and water yields in the upcoming mid-century. Predictive data were estimated using multiple 2020 Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment scenario-climate futures which included both the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and the RCP 8.5 scenarios for the following five general circulation models (GCMs): HadGEM2-ES365, MRI-CGCM3, CNRM-CM5, IPSL-CM5A-MR, and NorESM1-M.

environment; inlandWaters; climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere; Climate change; Climate change effects; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Hydrology, watersheds, sedimentation; Natural Resource Management & Use; Water; water yield; national forests; Resources Planning Act Assessment; RPA Assessment; drought; conterminous United States; CONUS
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