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Meta-analytic data from agricultural conservation practice adoption research in the United States 1982-2018
Floress, Kristin M.; Gao, Yuling; Gramig, Benjamin M.; Arbuckle, J. Gordon; Church, Sarah P.; Eanes, Francis R.; Ranjan, Pranay; Singh, Ajay S.; Prokopy, Linda Stalker
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How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Floress, Kristin M.; Gao, Yuling; Gramig, Benjamin M.; Arbuckle, J. Gordon; Church, Sarah P.; Eanes, Francis R.; Ranjan, Pranay; Singh, Ajay S.; Prokopy, Linda Stalker. 2019. Meta-analytic data from agricultural conservation practice adoption research in the United States 1982-2018. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive. Updated 28 February 2020.
We present citations for 166 articles (126 quantitative and 40 qualitative) published between 1982 and 2018 that studied agricultural producers' adoption of conservation practices or enrollment in conservation programs. We include the clean and untransformed data extracted from the 126 quantitative articles. Data are from studies that took place in the United States and include peer-reviewed journal articles and reports along with non-peer reviewed reports, dissertations, and theses. In addition to the full citation for each article, data such as descriptive statistics for dependent and independent variables, significance observations, model coefficients, effect sizes, and our categorization scheme are included for quantitative articles. These data can be used by researchers to answer specific meta-analytic research questions in this research area.

farming; economy; environment; society; Environment and People; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Hydrology, watersheds, sedimentation; Natural Resource Management & Use; conservation behavior; farmers; best management practice; United States
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  • Prokopy, Linda Stalker; Floress, Kristin M.; Arbuckle, J. Gordon; Church, Sarah P.; Eanes, Francis R.; Gao, Yuling; Gramig, Benjamin M.; Ranjan, Pranay; Singh, Ajay S. 2019. Adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the United States: evidence from 35 years of quantitative literature. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 74(5): 520-534.
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