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Publication Details

Wind and slope effects on laboratory-scale fire behavior
Weise, David R.
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These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Weise, David R. 2017. Wind and slope effects on laboratory-scale fire behavior. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
Wind and slope interaction effects on rate of spread, flame length and flame angle were examined in 65 fires in an open-topped tilting wind tunnel. Fuel beds consisted of vertically-oriented birch sticks and horizontally oriented aspen excelsior. A complete factorial experiment with five wind velocities (-1.1 to 1.1 meters/second) and five slope angles (-30 to 30%) arranged in a randomized complete block design was replicated twice. Flame rate of spread, flame height, and flame angle were measured using thermocouples and video imagery. Moisture content of 60 fires was 11%; 5 fires had a fuel moisture content of 35%. This data publication includes data summarizing the 65 fires, velocity profiles measured in the wind tunnel, and raw thermocouple data for the 65 fires.

rate of spread; flame length; flame angle; fire behavior; white birch; Betula papyrifera; quaking aspen; Populus tremuloides; environment; elevation; Fire; Fire suppression, pre-suppression; Prescribed fire; Dry Branch Post Office, ID:345421
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