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Publication Details

Fuels, weather, fire behavior and vegetation data pertaining to Rx fire in a young loblolly pine plantation in Jones County, Georgia
Wade, Dale D.
Publication Year:
How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please include both of the following citation:
Wade, Dale D. Fuels, weather, fire behavior and vegetation data pertaining to Rx fire in a young loblolly pine plantation in Jones County, Georgia. 2015. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
This data publication contains fuels, weather, fire behavior, crown damage, and hardwood vegetation preburn and postburn data related to a prescribed fire in a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation in Georgia. Treatments consisted of 2 levels of backfire frontal intensity (low and moderate) applied to a five year old loblolly pine plantation. Pre-treatment conditions and treatment response were measured after each of two postfire growing seasons, resulting in measurements taken from 1982 through 1984. This data publication also contains photographs of the control, low, and moderate fireline intensity plots along with aerial images of the study area, which was in the Lower Piedmont of Georgia about 20 miles north of Macon, Georgia, USA.

loblolly pine; loblolly pine sapling mortality and growth; forest management; southern pine; fire behavior; fire effects; CUS; control of undesirable species; fine fuel moisture content; fuel consumption; hardwood competition; fire tolerance; competition control; hardwood topkill; backfire technique; stand management; introductory fires; Pinus taeda; burn; prescribed burn; JFSP; Joint Fire Science Program; biota; environment; Fire; Fire ecology; Prescribed fire; Forest & Plant Health; Natural Resource Management & Use; Plant ecology; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Georgia; Kraft; Macon; Jones County
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