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USDA Logo U.S. Department of Agriculture

Forest Service Research & Development (FS R&D) has long recognized the usefulness and importance of archiving and sharing the research data it generates. This recognition has been expressed in Research Station Quality Assurance (QA) Plans, the national QA Implementation Plan, and the Forest Service Manual. The FS Research Data Archive provides an infrastructure and the resources to implement sharing and preserving our research data.

There are both short-term and long-term reasons for archiving research data. Short-term in relation to what needs to be done to have the Archive and its constituent data sets be useful today; long-term in relation to preserving that usefulness decades and centuries into the future. The idea of thinking decades and centuries into the future is important for an organization that focuses on forests.

The Archive has already benefited from insights offered by Station researchers. We hope that if you have ideas for improving the Archive you will share them with us. We want the Archive to be as useful as possible to you and the research communities of which you are a part. We are also interested in having the Archive be friendly to the non-research community. Please contact the Archive team if you have any comments or suggestions.


Total data publications964
Archive-hosted data862
Externally hosted data102
Downloads of Archive-hosted data81899
Referrals to external repositories5912

FS Experimental Forest & Range publication metrics

Total data publications245
Archive-hosted data209
Externally hosted data36
Downloads of Archive-hosted data7543
Referrals to external repositories291
To see detailed EFR metrics, click here.

Joint Fire Science Program publication metrics

Total data publications205
Archive-hosted data177
Externally hosted data28
Downloads of Archive-hosted data6423
Referrals to external repositories211

Top 10 funders

Publication Count
RMRSUSDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station363
NRSUSDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station240
JFSPJoint Fire Science Program205
USFSUSDA Forest Service196
PNWUSDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station96
SRSUSDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station82
ALWRIAldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute61
PSWUSDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station59
SERDPStrategic Environmental Research and Development Program55
NSFNational Science Foundation47