USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station

Pacific Southwest
Research Station

1731 Research Park Dr.
Davis, CA 95618
(530) 759-1700
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.


Potential of Filamentous Cyanobacteria on Post-Fire Chaparral Restoration Sites

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This presentation by Dr. Ted St. John provides a brief review of experimental and observational explorations of filamentous cyanobacteria on National Forest System lands in southern California. The objective was to record soil and site conditions in which cyanobacterial inoculation may be feasible and beneficial, to culture site-specific cyanobacteria, and to evaluate methods of field inoculation.

Length: 14:50

Posted: January 20, 2016


  • Ted St. John, Independent Consultant