Upper Lochsa Land Exchange

The Forest Service has released the Upper Lochsa Land Exchange Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for public review and comment. In the proposed project the Forest Service would acquire approximately 39,371 acres of land from Western Pacific Timber. These lands are located in the upper Lochsa River drainage and are intermingled with the Clearwater National Forest. Lands the Forest Service identified for exchange to Western Pacific Timber are located on the Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Idaho Panhandle National Forests. The DEIS considers five alternatives and the Forest Service has identified Alternative D as the preferred alternative. The public comment period will begin the day the Notice of Availability is published in the Federal Register and will run for 90 days. See our project page for background information.

Location Summary

The lands to acquire are in the upper Lochsa River drainage on the border of ID and MT. The federal lands to exchange out of are scattered on the Idaho Panhandle, Clearwater, and Nez Perce NF's.

Forests: Sandpoint Ranger District, Palouse Ranger District, North Fork Ranger District, Powell Ranger District, Clearwater Ranger District, Red River Ranger District

Project Milestones

NOI in Federal Register09/12/2011
DEIS NOA in Federal Register11/18/2011
FEIS NOA in Federal Register05/01/2014 (Estimated)
Objection Period StartN/A
Decision05/01/2014 (Estimated)
Implementation08/01/2014 (Estimated)

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