Chip-munk Recovery and Restoration Project

The Plumas National Forest proposes to remove roadside fire-killed and fire-injured hazard trees, recover the economic value of fire-killed trees, and re-establish forested conditions by planting native conifer seedlings. There are two actions connected with recovering the economic value of fire-killed timber include, 1) constructing landings and approximately ΒΌ mile of new, unclassified, non-system temporary road to permit removal and utilization of material, and 2) constructing and reconstructing water drafting sources to water roads during implementation. The project area is located near Butt Valley Reservoir and the communities of Seneca and Caribou within the Mt. Hough Ranger District, Plumas National Forest, California.

Location Summary

The Chip-munk Recovery and Restoration Project (Chip-munk Project) is located approximately 5 miles west of Greenville, California near Butt Valley Reservoir and the communities of Seneca and Caribou

District: Mt. Hough Ranger District

Project Milestones

Scoping Start01/18/2013
Comment Period04/24/2013
Objection Period StartN/A
Implementation08/01/2013 (Estimated)

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