
"Caring for the Land and Serving People"

Those seven words sum up the Forest Service's Mission. It's a pretty big mission, and the truth is, we couldn't accomplish it without the help of our volunteers. If you're already a volunteer or partner, thanks for all that you've done!


A team of volunteers in orange Forest Service shirts smile with two WMNF employees at a trailhead.


The Perks of Volunteering

Volunteering on the White Mountain National Forest doesn't just benefit the Forest. We provide training, year-round opportunities, and the ability set your own schedule for stewardship. In addition, you can earn special passes:

  • A White Mountain National Forest Recreation Pass can be earned with just 16 hours of service.
  • An Interagency Volunteer Pass, good at public lands nation-wide, can be earned with 250 hrs of service. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Thinking about volunteering? Common volunteer positions are listed below. Find an opportunity or contact us to get started.

Trailhead Steward (PSAR – Preventive Search and Rescue)

A group of hikers huddle around a uniformed volunteer under a national forest awning.

Interact with hikers at busy trailheads to promote safety and protection of public lands.

  • Provide safety, weather and Leave No Trace information to forest visitors at trailheads before they begin their trip.
  • Choose one of 5 busy trailheads to staff on weekends. Typical shift is 4-5 hrs., 2 shifts required.
  • Spring, summer, fall opportunity. Choose from a variety of shifts.

Backcountry Steward

A man looks out over a vast opening of a wilderness notch.

Hike White Mountain trails conveying important safety information to hikers and perform trail side clean up as needed.

  • Submit patrol reports documenting conditions and improvements needed.
  • Spring, summer and fall opportunity. Set your own schedule and volunteer with friends.

Contact us for more information. 

Visitor Information

A woman in forest service uniform stands smiling at a desk.

The WMNF operates visitor centers throughout the White Mountain Region. Staff one of our many visitor centers giving important information to visitors.

  • Year-round opportunity.
  • Contact your local office to get started.

Contact us for more information. 

Trail Adopter/Adopt-A-Trail

Two young men work on trails, one with a shovel the other with a pick ax.

Perform trail building and maintenance on WMNF trails using hand tools.

  • Conduct basic maintenance such as digging waterbars, cutting brush, and clearing blow down on assigned trails, an average of 3-7 days a year.
  • Spring, summer, fall opportunity. Choose from a variety of shifts.

Contatct us for more information. 

Roving Caretaker

A forest service truck points forward. A group of forest visitors talk near its tailgate.

Patrol and maintain recreation sites in a Forest Service vehicle. Serve as eyes and ears on the ground.

  • Conduct front-country patrols along district roads stopping at recreation facilities to maintain sites, provide information and report on conditions.
  • Year-round opportunity. Work with program manager to set your own schedule.

Contact us for more information. 

Woodworker/Fix It Shop

Pemigewasset Wilderness Sign

The WMNF Volunteers constructs and maintains thousands of signs throughout the White Mountain National Forests.

  • Work in a high-end wood shop engaging in sign and other projects that will be proudly displayed on public land.
  • One 4-hour shift per week desired.
  • Year-round opportunity

Contact us for more information. 

Site Stewardship Program

A group of volunteers watch as a trainer reviews site stewardship practices.

Love history and archaeology? Want to protect heritage sites for future generations? We have a great opportunity for you. Help the heritage staff of the White Mountain National Forest protect heritage sites across the Forest, while also enjoying the great outdoors.

Volunteers will:

  • Partake in a training session to learn about protecting heritage sites (cellar holes, stone walls, etc.) from human and natural threats
  • Effectively monitor heritage sites
  • Learn “site etiquette” and inform others of the importance of protecting heritage sites

Eco Team Volunteer 

Pulling dandelions

Join the Eco team volunteer crew and choose from a variety of projects. These serve as great group projects. Some projects have specific timelines while most are flexible, work with manager to set schedule.

  • Orchard Tree Release - enhance existing wildlife habitat by maintaining historic orchards. Ensure the health of apple trees by removing dead branches, pruning vertical whips and suckers on tree and clearing suckers and other woody stems from base of trees.
  • Build Bird/Bat/Duck/Bee/Butterfly Boxes - build boxes and replace old ones when they fail or if new sites are identified. Materials and instructions provided by the WMNF. Ability to work with power tools and some construction skills.
  • Dandelion Eradication - Non-native dandelion species are crowding out native alpine plant species in the Alpine Zone of Mount Washington. Volunteers are needed to hand-dig, bag, and carry out these invasive species. Other duties include surveying and monitoring and control projects such as remove seedlings from known sites. Timing is early June, depending on plant and access availability.


Joining Our Volunteer Program

Ready to lend a hand to your public lands?


  • Passport in Time Link opens in a new window
    Passport in Time (PIT) is a archaeology and historic preservation program of the Forest Service. PIT volunteers work with professional FS archaeologists and historians on national forests throughout the U.S. Visit the Passport in Time website for more information.

Key Contacts

John Marunowski
Partnership and Volunteer Coordinator
(603) 536-6106