Maps & Publications

The Wayne National Forest seeks to provide a comprehensive list of maps for download and purchase to make knowing your forest easy and accurate. We hope you will use these maps to plan your next visit and better understand all that makes up the Wayne National Forest.

Downloadable Maps

Full Forest Maps

This full forest map provides an overview of the boundaries of the Wayne National Forest and is small enough to print and pack away when you are out on your adventures.

Maps by Activity

Some of our most popular activities can be enjoyed across the Forest and can require multi-place maps to link together many exciting areas. Those maps include:

Maps by Geographic Area

The Wayne National Forest is organized according to our administration units. Unit maps nearer Columbus, OH include:

And units maps nearer the Ohio and West Virginia border include:

Maps Available for Purchase

Wayne National Forest Visitor Map

Water-resistant, large-scale Wayne National Forest Visitor Maps are available for purchase at each of our offices. The maps are comprehensive and larger in scale (1/2 inch = 1 mile.) Each map cost $14.00.

Purchase Online

Wayne National Forest Visitor Maps can be purchased online:

Wayne National Forest Topographic Maps

Topographic maps show Forest Service ownership as well as other physical and cultural features.  Available for download or purchase. Scale: 1 inch = 2,000 feet. Learn how to view online and purchase.


Activity and Location Guides

Not sure which map is right for you? Have a look at our collection of activity and location guides to help determine where it is and what you want to do on your visit and to learn more about the Forest. .

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Motor Vehicle Use Maps

Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) are the official maps for designating all roads and trails available for public motorized travel on the Wayne National Forest. These maps show all National Forest System roads, trails, and areas that are designated as open to motor vehicle travel.

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Additional Maps

  • Topographic Maps

    Available for download and purchase. Scale: 1 inch = 2,000 feet. Topographic maps show Forest Service ownership as well as other physical and cultural features.