Geospatial Data

Northern Region Geospatial Data


FSGeodata Clearinghouse

The USDA Forest Service Geodata Clearinghouse is an online collection of digital data related to forest resources. Through the Clearinghouse you can find datasets related to forests and grasslands, including boundaries and ownership, natural resources, roads and trails, as well as datasets related to State and private forested areas, including insect and disease threat and surface water importance. You can also find downloadable map products, raster data, and links to other sources of forest resource information.

Forest Service Enterprise Data - use the interactive ArcGIS Online Data Extract Tool to access and download National Forest data available on the EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse).

Northern Region VMap

The R1 VMap geospatial database relates vegetation attributes to spatially unique polygons, or delineations, of vegetation patterns. The VMap database provides four primary map products; lifeform, tree canopy cover class, tree size class, and tree dominance type to support mid and base-level analysis and planning. VMap uses the Region 1 Existing Vegetation Classification System (R1-ExVeg) (Barber, 2009) in its map unit design.

VMap is a remote sensing derived product. As such, it uses a combination of high resolution airborne imagery and a nationally available digital elevation model (DEM)

For more information about Region 1 GIS Data please contact the Geospatial Group at the Region 1 Office at 406-329-3511.

Northern Region Web Maps

The Northern Region (R1) of the U.S. Forest Service uses ArcGIS Online to share maps, data, and applications for use by other federal agencies, partners, and the public. The Web Map Application Gallery displays some of the web map applications developed by the Region and our Forests.