Outdoor Safety & Ethics

The Kisatchie National forest provides a natural arena for a wide variety of fun and exciting outdoor activities.

Be responsible for your own safety and care for the land you love! Plan ahead and recreate responsibly. The best way to enjoy the outdoors is to prepare adequately for what you can expect on your trip and have contingency plans for its more unexpected elements. You will have a more rewarding experience at the Kisatchie National Forest when you treat its land, wildlife, visitors and staff with respect and care.

Want to learn more about what to expect when you visit your national forest?  Know Before You Go 

Law Enforcement 

Section for Forfeiture of Collateral in Lieu of Appearance in Certain Petty Offense Cases. 

With over 604,000 acres of Forest to patrol, the Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers depend on involvement from the public to bring various problems and things that just don't seem right to their attention.

Duties performed by the Forest Patrol Officers include but are not limited to the following:

  • Initiating Codes of Federal Regulations
  • Assisting with Search and Rescue Operations
  • Arson Investigation and Intervention
  • Timber Theft Investigations and Intervention
  • Archaeological Protection ARPA
  • Drug Enforcement
  • Traffic Laws
  • Assisting and Cooperating with Other Agencies

The U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers have federal credentials authorizing their law enforcement authority even across Parish and State lines. We are badged and armed Federal Law Enforcement Officers, but we are also the Forest visitor's friend. We take pride in visitors safely enjoying their adventures in the Kisatchie National Forest. We also help stranded motorists, call tow trucks, give directions and recreation area suggestions, and assist with medical emergencies. Introducing ourselves to citizens enables them to meet us and provides opportunities to exchange knowledge.

Know and follow the Forest's rules and regulations for your own safety and for the Forest's sake. Public safety and protection of our Forest is the purpose of every rule.


In Case of Emergency

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    Contact the local sheriff department by phone (dial 911 anywhere within the local area) in the event of an injury or accident. The sheriff is responsible for dispatch of deputy sheriffs, ambulance, search and rescue, fire, and air rescue.