Photography & Filming

Grey Towers Photo Policy (revised 2024)


If you would like to have a commercial filming or photography session at Grey Towers, you must submit a special use permit application 60 days before the desired date for the session. If approved, the special use permit may have fees associated with it.

Commercial use defined: Commercial filming is defined as use of motion picture, videotaping, sound recording, or any other type of moving image or audio recording equipment on National Forest System lands that involves the advertisement of a product or service, the creation of a product for sale, and/or the use of actors, models, sets, or props, but not including activities associated with broadcasting breaking news. For purposes of this definition, creation of a product for sale includes a film, videotape, television broadcast, or documentary of historic events, wildlife, natural events, features, subjects or participants in a sporting or recreation event, and so forth, when created for the purpose of generating income.

Commercial photography is defined as the use of photographic equipment to capture still images on film, digital format, and other similar technologies found on National Forest System lands that: takes place at a location where members of the public are generally not allowed or where additional administrative costs are likely; or uses models, sets, or props that are not part of the site’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities.

Obtaining a Special Use Permit

  1. Before submitting an application, please review the site guidelines listed below. Please pay particular attention to the locations and hours of availability which will help determine if your permit can be approved at the requested time and place. This form is required to begin the special use permit application process.
  2. Please send all commercial photo and film special use permit applications to for review.
  3. The USDA Forest Service at Grey Towers will review the application and will notify the applicant of its determination. No commercial sessions may occur at Grey Towers without an approved special use permit.


Non-commercial filming or photography does not require a permit; however visitors must read and abide by all site guidelines and regulations.  Site guidelines are designed to allow for regular operations at the site and to allow uninterrupted use of the site by all visitors.  Failure to follow guidelines may result in penalties.

While it is not a requirement, we encourage visitors planning a non-commercial filming or photography session to complete the application form.  This is a great help to Grey Towers staff and helps us identify potential conflicts with normal operations or planned special events.  It also gives us a mechanism to contact you in case of site closures or other scheduling conflicts that may arise.  Please submit the form to at least two weeks prior to your planned session.

There are no fees associated with conducting non-commercial filming or photography sessions at Grey Towers.

We encourage anyone using the grounds for non-commercial filming or photography to schedule their sessions to conclude by 10am or begin after 4pm to minimize interference with regular site operations.

Site Guidelines

  • Your photo session may not interfere with normal site functions, visitor activities and tours, or special programs in and around the mansion.
  • Even with permission to take photos, you do not have exclusive rights to the gardens and grounds – other visitors are free to use the grounds and will not be asked to leave or move. Benches and garden furniture are not to be used as storage
  • Please use the existing beauty of Grey Towers as your backdrop
  • Equipment or props such as: tents, chairs, stools, canopies, ropes, stanchions, amplifiers, tables, rice, birdseed, confetti, streamers, balloons, bubbles, flower petals, or the release of any type of live animals are not allowed.
  • You may not have alcohol, weapons, firearms, flammable materials, open flames, and or pyrotechnics on government property.
  • You may not damage or pick any plants or flowers.
  • You may not stand in the flowerbeds or interfere with garden equipment and landscape features.
  • You may not enter any water features or climb trees.
  • You may not stand or lean over any stone structure, including the tops and aprons of stone walls and the millstones.
  • Running or standing along the tops of walls or the aprons of the Long Garden Pool, Fingerbowl or any other stone structure, and standing on the Pool Terrace and Moat perimeter wall is not allowed.
  • You must maintain appropriate dress -- no nudity or indecent exposure.
  • The historic walkways and stairs are uneven and irregular; individuals in your party should walk with caution and use handrails where available.
  • The covered yet unenclosed Visitor Pavilion is the only facility available in case of inclement weather; please plan accordingly.
  • Please notify Grey Towers’ staff immediately if there are any injuries, damage to government property, safety hazards or security concerns.
  • The US Forest Service at Grey Towers NHS is not liable for loss or damage to personal property or personal injury that may occur because of the activity.
  • Vehicles must depart from the site prior to gate closing at 4:30 p.m. If you park outside the gates and walk into the site, please do not block the fire lanes

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