Recreation Passes & Permits

Passes: Interagency Pass PictureMany recreation activities in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest are available at no cost to the recreational user.

The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest charges day-use fees at most developed beaches, boat launches, picnic areas, and trailhead parking areas. Where applicable, signs are posted to inform visitors.

Campers who have paid fees to stay at a developed campground can enjoy free access to associated facilities, such as a beach or boat launch. However, campers must pay an additional day-use fee when visiting a recreation site that is not a part of the same campground complex.

Consider your plans for the year when choosing a recreation pass. Each option below provides day-use access for all passengers in your personal vehicle. Passengers in commercial buses must pay a per-person fee.

How to Buy

For your convenience, there are three ways to purchase a recreation pass.

  • Order Interagency Passes through the U.S. Geological Survey online or by phone (888) 275-8747.

  • Order any pass by calling any Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest office or the Visitor Center.

  • Interagency Passes can be purchased from other federal agencies. Find one near you.


Day Pass


Annual Passes

Forest and Interagency passes are good for one (1) year.

  • Annual Forest Passes - Only good on the Chequamagon-Nicolet National Forest.
  • Interagency Passes - Good at any Forest Service, National Park, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation and US Fish and Wildlife Service sites that charge an entrance or standard amenity fee.


Lifetime Passes

Available passes that are good for the lifetime of the passholder.