Maps & Publications


The Bighorn National Forest is located in north central Wyoming. We encourage you to explore our maps to help you plan your visit and to locate the Bighorn’s facilities, roads, trails, recreation sites, and other attractions.

Disclaimer for all maps available here:
This product may contain geographic feature names declared derogatory through U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Orders 3404 & 3405. Upon the next printing of this publication the USDA Forest Service will use official replacement names. For a list of declared derogatory names and official replacement names, visit:

Forest Visitor Map

The visitor map provides information about services, campgrounds, picnic areas, and other attractions located in the Bighorn National Forest.  It also includes information about travel restrictions, amenities at our facilities, and will help you locate some of the forest’s points of interest.

You can purchase a Bighorn National Forest visitor map for $14 at ranger district offices in Buffalo, Greybull, and Sheridan.

National forest and national grassland maps are also available from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) USGS Store, which offers secure, online ordering ($5 service charge applies), along with ordering by phone, mail or fax.

  • Georeferenced visitor maps are available for Android and iOS devices. Go to our georeferenced maps page to learn more. 

Motor Vehicle Use Maps

The motor vehicle use map (MVUM) is the official map for designating all roads and trails available for public motorized travel in the Bighorn National Forest. Visitors should not rely on any other maps for making decisions about motorized travel. See our MVUM page for more about motor vehicle use maps.

  • Georeferenced motor vehicle use maps are available for Android and iOS devices. Go to our georeferenced maps page to learn more about georeferenced maps.

Free Downloadable Maps

Forest Service Topography Maps: These maps overlay Forest Service assets, such as roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. They are available for download by quadrangle.

Geospatial Data: Information presented here includes ESRI format shapefiles, images, KML/KMZ format files, and GIS resource links.

USGS Topographic Maps

Topographic maps provide the greatest level of detail and cover small portions of a national forest or national grassland. These maps are also available for purchase from the USGS Store.

Informational Handouts

These handouts (PDF) provide information about some of the attractions and activities in the Bighorn National Forest.