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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Forest Health Assessment & Applied Sciences Team Publications

Publication cover of Illustrated Guide to the Immature Lepidoptera on Oaks in Missouri

Featured Publication

Oak trees (Quercus spp.) dominate many forests in North America, and their diverse herbivore fauna is a major component of ecological biodiversity.  This book describes the immature stages of common species of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) whose larvae are found on 10 species of oak (Quercus) in the eastern Missouri Ozarks (USA).

Publications Overview

The Forest Health Assessment & Applied Sciences Team (FHAAST) produces publications, reports, and posters that address forest health-related disturbances. Topics include forest insects and diseases, native and invasive species, biological control, biopesticides, aerial survey, forest disturbance detection and risk assessment.

If available some of the listed publications can be ordered by contacting. Chuck Bargeron at

Annual Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States

Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Reports have been published annually since 1955. The Forest Health Assessment & Applied Sciences Team assists Forest Health Protection in developing and publishing these reports.

National Forest Insect & Disease Conditons Reports

Publication cover

Publication cover from a Forest Insect & Disease Conditions Report

FHAAST Publications

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