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U.S. Forest Service
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United States Department of Agriculture

FVS Models & Event Monitor Files

Mountain Pine Beetle in Ponderosa Pine Event Monitor Addfiles

What are they?

The two Mountain Pine Beetle Event Monitor Addfiles are programs that estimate MPB Hazard in Ponderosa Pine stands within the confines of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS). These files, MPB_PP_Schmid.kcp and MPB_PP_Stevens.kcp are based upon the following:

[Schmid, Mata, & Obedzinski. 1994]
Hazard Rating Ponderosa Pine Stands for Mountain Pine Beetle in the Black Hills
USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-529, Rocky Mountain Forest & Range
Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO 4pp.]

[Stevens, McCambridge, & Edminster. 1980]
Risk Rating Guide for Mountain Pine Beetle in Black Hills Ponderosa Pine
USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-385, Rocky Mountain Forest & Range
Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO 2pp.]

These are strategic models that evaluate stand conditions and returns a subjective hazard rating representing potential loss of ponderosa pine to MPB. MPB hazard (MPB_HAZ) are classified as High, Medium or Low with values of 3, 2 and 1, respectively. The user can proactively reduce MPB hazard by scheduling appropriate management actions within FVS.


These files were created to demonstrate how Insect & Disease functionality can be incorporated into FVS. These event monitor addfiles have not been tested, evaluated or validated by Forest Health Professionals. The rationale contained herein is an attempt to accurately reflect the logic portrayed in the publications referenced below. The user is cautioned as to the accuracy of output obtained by the use of these files.

Which MPB Event Monitor Files do I use?

These files can be used with any of the western variants of FVS, though the user is cautioned that the logic was developed for Ponderosa Pine stands in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. The use of one file over another is not endorsed at this time. The user is strongly urged to apply the Event Monitor File to the appropriate stands. This is best achieved by creating geographically homogenous FVS simulations or through creative use of FVS grouping codes.

Who should use it?

The MPB_PP Event Monitor files are intended for use by those familiar with the proper use and execution of the Forest Vegetation Simulator. It is recommended that the user be well versed in interpretation of standard FVS output. Specific Event Monitor variables can be exported to spreadsheet programs for further user analysis.

How do I use it?

One MPB Event Monitor file must be added to the simulation, preferably after one or more stands have been selected for use within FVS. From the Suppose Selections window:

  1. Click the "Edit Simulation File" button.
  2. Click the "Insert from file" button.
  3. Navigate to the location where you placed the MPB Event Monitor Files. Select the appropriate Event Monitor file from the Insert component from file: window.
  4. Note: Double-clicking the correct filename will automatically add the Event Monitor to the selected stand(s) in question. Single-click selection requires the user to then hit the "Open" button to add the Event Monitor to the simulation.
  5. Note that the addfile now is associated with the stand(s) in question.
  6. "Close" the Edit Simulation window.
  7. Choose the post-processor that best fits your needs and run your simulation after giving it an appropriate name.

How do I evaluate my results?

The user must be familiar with the standard FVS output file. The standard FVS output file is a wealth of information about the simulation you have created and run. The user is urged to pay particular attention to the following sections of the standard FVS output: Stand Composition, Activity Summary, and Summary Statistics.

The user can get direct insight into the inner workings of the MPB Event Monitor files with the two post-processors that directly report all Event Monitor Variables:

  • Compute1- table of Compute Variables (with headers)
  • Compute2- table of Concatenated Compute Variables (comma delimited)

The Compute1 table is good for general assessment and examination of overall trends within the stand. Compute2 portrays the same information in comma-delimited format that can be readily imported into spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel or database programs such as FoxPro, dBASE, or MS Access.

Analysis of Event Monitor results within the spreadsheet environment is helpful as the user can sort by one or more variables (such as FVS-cycle Year). It is then relatively easy to copy values from each cycle to individual worksheets to calculate sum totals and/or averages. The graphing capability of such programs like MS Excel also far exceed the graphing capabilities of Suppose.

How do I reduce the potential loss from Mountain Pine Beetle in my stands?

A stands species composition greatly influences its vulnerability to MPB.

Typically, sound management actions that help to reduce overall basal area of ponderosa pine will reduce the overall stand hazard and lessen the impact of MPB outbreaks when and if they occur. Your Regional Entomologist can tell you ways to reduce MPB hazard in stands.


MPB Event Monitor Component Addfiles (5/27/03)

mountain pine beetle damage

Group of ponderosa pines killed by mountain pine beetle. Photo by William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International.