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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture


Biopesticides Program

The Forest Health Assessment and Applied Sciences Team (FHAAST) Biopesticides Program serves as an up-to-date information source on biopesticides, biologically based products such as semiochemicals and microbial agents, used by State, Private, and Tribal Forestry staffs nationwide, for short-term control of invasive species. The program is instrumental in coordinating support for advancing the development of biopesticides for minor use in markets such as forestry. We also help coordinate support for the development and implementation of biopesticides as part of integrated pest-management programs. We advise forestry clientele on potential impacts of biopesticides on nontarget organisms.

Biopesticide Program Benefits

The FHAAST-Biopesticide Program benefits managers by:

  • Increasing awareness of technology on the use of biopesticides and potential nontarget impacts, via publications and FHAAST-sponsored workshops, training sessions, and scientific meetings
  • Forming partnerships and coordinating the development and implementation of biopesticide technologies

Biopesticide Power Point Presentation (683 KB .pptx)

Developing fungal grass pathogen’s phytotoxic metabolites for inundative control of invasive buffelgrass in environmentally sensitive areas. Developing fungal grass pathogen’s phytotoxic metabolites for inundative control of invasive buffelgrass in environmentally sensitive areas.

Development Areas

Ongoing development areas are:

  • Coordinating the production of Gypchek (the spongy moth nucleopolyhedrovirus) by private industry
  • Optimizing Gypchek and TM-biocontrol-1 (the Douglas-fir tussock moth nucleopolyhedrovirus) for operational use
  • Coordinating the use of Gypchek as part of the Spongy moth Suppression, Eradication, and Slow-the-Spread Program
  • Maximizing efficacy of Bt toxins for landscape treatment of emerald ash borer
  • Maximizing efficacy of entomopathogens for landscape treatment of hemlock woolly adelgid
  • Developing mycoherbicides for tree of heaven, buffelgrass, and Japanese stiltgrass

Gypchek Publication Cover

Gypchek Environmentally Safe Viral Insecticide for Gypsy Moth Control Publication Cover.