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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Aviation Quality Assurance

Continuing to improve the reliability and accuracy of the aerial survey program

Second to safety, quality assurance is a priority for discussion at annual meetings and the purpose of pre-season aerial survey workshops. Documents relating to quality assurance are made available and include: aerial survey standards and methods, ground check guidelines, accuracy assessment, considerations in using survey data.

A Guide to Conducting Aerial Sketchmapping Surveys
Planning, conducting, evaluating aerial surveys

Aerial Survey Standards
Describes damage types, defines information to collect for each, QA/QC activities, GIS and Reporting requirements.

Aerial Survey GIS Handbook
National GIS standards for collection and reporting of forest injury and area flown.

Post flight quality assurance is conducted to determine that damaged areas have been detected, reasonably located, properly sized and attributed. Ground check guidelines have evolved out of Aerial Survey Working Group Key Issues and Forest Health Monitoring Focus Group Resolutions helping to provide consistency and assisting field units in evaluating aerial survey results.

Aerial Survey Ground Check Guidelines
National guidelines and field data form

Digital Mobile Sketch Mapping (DMSM)
Codes, Agent and Host lists, User's Guide, Creating TPK's, Equipment Specifications and more.