Field Rangers - connecting you with special places on our forest!

Public visiting and information table

Look for a few friendly and energetic field-going rangers roving about Forest Service lands interacting with forest visitors. The rangers provide general information about recreational opportunities, answer questions, help ensure public safety and provide education on responsible frontcountry and backcountry ethics.

In particular, the rangers will focus on very popular recreation areas in the summer and fall. Local residents enjoy bike rides and hikes on nearby trails on their public lands. Destination visitors from urban areas, adjacent states, and other countries are drawn to these same areas by their beauty, atmosphere and attractions.  Some areas receive a lot of public use from campers looking for a dispersed campsites, and hikers, mountain bikers, photographers, ATV/motorcycle riders and other day users looking for a place to park.

Field rangers are the “new” face of the Forest Service, mingling with visitors and helping connect people to the forest, to nature and to the mission of the Forest Service...... Caring for the land and serving the people.

They are the “insider’s guide” to our forest, explaining, interpreting, teaching – about the places, nature and what goes on “behind the scenes” in managing these public lands.  A better understanding of these places enriches a visitors experience on the forest, and tells the story of who works for the Forest Service and why it provides for the “greatest good” for all visitors and local communities.


Field ranger on bike

Hiking or biking into the backcountry and educating visitors about responsible backcountry ethics is an important part of the ranger’s daily routine. The rangers also naturalized disturbed sites, and maintain campsites and public restrooms. While they are going about their daily “boots on the ground” field work, they are engaging forest visitors every day.

YCC installing signs


Replacing or installing new signs for roads, trailheads, recreation and travel management helps manage the high public use and prevents resource disturbance in these popular areas of the Gunnison National Forest.

Value on people!

The Forest Service is placing a special emphasis on connecting you with your National Forests and Grasslands. We encourage you to visit and learn more about them!   We want to tell our story – explain our mission and introduce you to the people that manage our these public lands. Forest Service employees are proud and privileged to care for these special places and resources on our national forests and grasslands- we value these places and we value you! Through interpretation, meaningful conversations, guided hikes and engaged learning opportunities, we hope forest visitors will have a better insight to these amazing places.  We invite you to visit our forest, talk with FS employees in the field and get a “behind the scenes” view!

What is your connection to the forest?

Remember these public lands - are all yours! We want to hear your story and your connection to the forest.  Do you have a special place or have you had a particularly meaning experience on our national forest? Maybe  a new adventure or discovery that inspired you, or something you learned that has expanded your views of the natural world.  (Contact us with your story!)