Willamette NF Celebrates Waldo Lake Legislation

Release Date: 

Contact(s): Middle Fork Ranger District

(Springfield, OR) – Governor John Kitzhaber signed a law banning gas motors on Waldo Lake yesterday, May 17, 2013. “We are happy-campers today in the Forest Service!” said Meg Mitchell, Forest Supervisor for the Willamette National Forest “.. and we are happy for the future generations of campers and other users of Waldo Lake. We appreciate the State of Oregon’s leadership initiating and passing this piece of legislation; now, visitors will enjoy an experience free from gas powered motors.”
The story of Waldo Lake is one of shared governance and cooperation between State and Federal governments acting on behalf of people and organizations that have actively commented and worked for nearly 20 years of public meetings and debate about the management of Waldo Lake. “We look forward to continuing to work closely with the State and the many organizations and individuals that care about Waldo Lake to keep this special place special over time. Maintaining Waldo’s quietude, pristine water quality, and unique visitor experience is a legacy I’m proud to be a part of.” said District Ranger Duane Bishop, whose responsibilities include Waldo.
 “Ultimately, it’s the visitors to Waldo Lake who have, and will always be, most important to its future. Luckily, everyone cares about this place, including the groups that were in favor of motorized uses. It’s up to all of us to watch what we put in that lake and how we treat our neighbors so that everyone can continue to enjoy it” said Mitchell.
For more information about Waldo Lake, and other special places on your National Forest, visit us on the web at http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/willamette/recreation/recarea/?recid=4528. While snow is melting quickly along the Cascade Crest, be sure to call the Ranger District for current conditions before you head out 541.782.5388 as most high elevation lakes like Waldo are still closed by snow.