Tonto National Forest lifts fire restrictions

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PHOENIX, July 17, 2017 —For Immediate Release.  Recent widespread rains have led Tonto National Forest officials to rescind fire restrictions – to include campfires and smoking -- on the Forest as of noon today (Monday, July 17).

The Tonto initially implemented fire restrictions May 23, in order to provide for the public’s health and to protect National Forest System lands, resources and facilities during the period of severe fire danger.

According to Don Nunley, Tonto National Forest Fire Staff, fire restrictions provide the Forest with a tool for preventing unwanted, human-caused fires.

“With the lifting of fire restrictions, we ask that people recreating in the Tonto remain cautious when using potential ignition sources,” Nunley said. “Please ensure your campfire is completely out. If it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave.

“Check to see that safety chains are not dragging on the road,” Nunley added. “Following these simple tips could help prevent a spark, which could mean one less wildfire.

The public can obtain additional fire information via the following:

To learn the latest information about the Tonto National Forest, visit its website at: