Popo Agie Wilderness


Stretching out over 101,991 acres of very rugged topography in the Wind River Range, the Popo Agie (pronounced puh-POE-zha, meaning "beginning of the waters") Wilderness has high jagged peaks separating beautiful streams in deep, narrow valleys. Perennial snowfields dot the Continental Divide running through this wilderness. More than 20 summits reach above 12,000 feet in elevation with Wind River Peak, at 13,225 feet, being the highest. Over 300 lakes and ponds grace the area. The headwaters of the Middle Fork Popo Agie, North Fork of the Popo Agie, and South Fork Little Wind Rivers originate here. All are tributaries of the Wind River.

Rugged, picturesque formations such as the Cirque of the Towers and timberline attract climbers, photographers, backpackers, and horsepackers to this scenic and challenging area.

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