
2022 Golden Trout Wilderness


"A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain."

The Wilderness Act of 1964
full text at Wilderness.net

What is Wilderness?

Wilderness is land that was the wild land beyond the frontier... land that shaped the growth of a nation and the character of its people...

Wilderness is rare, wild places where one can retreat from civilization, reconnect with the Earth, and find healing, meaning and significance...

continue at Wilderness.net

Wilderness History

When the first Europeans settled in what is now the United States, they arrived on a continent of extensive wildlands. For Native people, these wildlands were home and cared for in that manner. In less than 500 years the undeveloped nature of this 2 billion-acre wilderness estate has been reduced significantly. As wildlands became increasingly scarce and a fledgling conservation movement lost such natural treasures as Yosemite's Hetch Hetchy Valley to development, Americans began to appreciate their value...

continue at Wilderness.net

Wilderness Values

Wilderness has many benefits and "meaning and values for wilderness are created through historical, cultural, and political experiences over time". The Wilderness Act of 1964 defines wilderness as lands that may contain ecological, geological, scientific, educational, scenic or historical value. But what about other values?...

continue at Wilderness.net

Wilderness Trip Planning

Before heading into wilderness, take plenty of time to plan your trip thoroughly by visiting SierraWild.gov. Planning is the most important first step to ensure the best wilderness experience possible. At SierraWild.gov, you'll find great resources on what you need to know and how to plan your wilderness trip into the Sierra Nevada backcountry. Also visit Wilderness.net in your planning efforts. Planning includes calling the district office of the wilderness and contacting a wilderness ranger or the wilderness manager to receive the most up-to-date and detailed information.

The Sequoia National Forest has six designated wildernesses. For information regarding current conditions and regulations about a wilderness on the Sequoia National Forest, click on a link below:

Hume Lake Ranger District

Western Divide Ranger District

Kern River Ranger District

More information from Wilderness.net website: