Cancellation and No-Show Policies on the Middle Fork of the Salmon

If you cannot make the trip, you must cancel your reservation in Cancel as soon as possible to maximize boater opportunities to float the river.

During the lottery control season, failure to cancel by 11:59 PM Mountain Time 21 days prior to your launch date will trigger a Late Cancellation Penalty, which restricts you from holding a permit on this river for three years. To calculate the 21 days, start counting backwards from your launch date, where the day before is one day prior and so on, e.g., if launch date is June 22, cancellation must occur by 11:59 PM of June 1.

Outside of the control season, cancellation must occur three days prior to the launch date to avoid the penalty.

Exceptions: a reservation can be cancelled up to three days prior to your launch date under any of the following circumstances, but it still must be cancelled to avoid a No-Show penalty:

  • Water levels exceed 5.0 feet, and your launch date is within 14 days
  • The road to Boundary Creek is not open, and your launch date is within 14 days
  • You purchased your lottery control season reservation within 21 days of your launch date

Recreation fees will be refunded to your credit card within a few days. 

The $6.00 reservation fee is non-refundable. 

Control Season Cancelation Scenarios:

Andy won a reservation through the lottery.  Andy’s reservation ENTRY date is Aug 24.  Unfortunately, Andy has a hair appointment on Aug 28 that he cannot reschedule.  According to the cancelation instructions Andy can cancel on Aug 3 by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time without being penalized. Andy was able to cancel on Aug 1 without any problems.

Judy stayed up all night monitoring Rec.Gov for a cancelation.  Judy booked a reservation outside of the 21-cancelation day window.   At 8 a.m. on Aug 3, she picks up a reservation for an ENTRY date of Aug 24.  With all the excitement she forgot about a horse-riding class on Aug 26 that she must attend.  If she does not cancel by Aug 3, 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time she will be penalized.

Hannah booked a reservation inside of the 21-cancelation day window.  On Aug 8 Hannah picks up a cancellation for an Aug 24 ENTRY date.  Hannah is supposed to get married on Aug 27.  Her hope chest has only boat gear in it.  Statistically it’s easier to get married then pull a Middle Fork of the Salmon permit.  Luckily since Hannah’s control season launch is within 21 days of when she reserved it, the reservation can be cancelled 3 days prior to her ENTRY date.

Andy and Judy must cancel their Aug 24 reservation by Aug 3, 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time.

Hannah can cancel her Aug 24 reservation by Aug 21, 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time.

To cancel without being penalized Andy and Judy need to calculate the 21 days, start counting backwards, where the day before is one day prior and so on, e.g., if launch date is Aug 24, cancellation must occur by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time of Aug 3.  See the calendar below:

To cancel without being penalized Hannah needs to calculate the 3 days, start counting backwards, where the day before is one day prior and so on, e.g., if launch date is Aug 24, cancellation must occur by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time of Aug 21.  See the calendar below:

August Calendar


No-Show Policy


If you do not pick up your permit by 4:30 PM MT on your launch date, you will be documented as a No-Show. Failure to submit a cancellation of your reservation also categorizes you as a No-Show. 

No-Shows will not receive a refund of any prepaid fees and are restricted from holding a permit on this river for three years.