Information for Middle Fork of the Salmon Reservation/Permit Holders

Reservation vs. Permit

A reservation in is not a permit. The reservation holder must obtain a signed hard-copy permit from the Forest Service prior to launching.

Launch Date

The launch date on your reservation is the day that you will enter the waters of the permitted stretch.

If you launch from a tributary, the launch date still refers to the day that you enter the permitted stretch, regardless of the day that you launched on the tributary.

If you fly in, the launch date still refers to the day that you put in the waters of the Middle Fork from that fly-in location.

I have a Reservation. How do I get my Permit?

When you are putting in below Indian Creek at any time of the year:

Contact the River Office at

When Boundary Creek is open:

Pick up your permit at the office on the day of your launch.

When Boundary Creek is closed and Indian Creek is open (usually May and October) and you are putting in at Indian Creek or upstream:

Pick up your permit at the Indian Creek office when you float by. See the Campsite Selection page for information about how to get your campsites.

When both offices are closed (early and late season):

Contact the River Office at

What do I do with my Permit?

The permit holder will be in possession of the permit at all times while on the river. Some exceptions are made to this policy during early and late season trips when permits are obtained at Indian Creek. Refer to the Early and Late Season Launches section for more information.

The permit holder will carry and display the permit upon request of any Forest Officer. 

Permit Holder Must be Present at All Times

The permit-holder is the responsible person for their group. The permit holder must be present and accompany the group for the entire length of the trip at all times while on the river.

Reservations are Not Transferable

Reservations are NOT transferable. Alternate trip leaders are not allowed. The Forest strictly adheres to this policy. Please make a reservation only if you are fully able to commit to the trip. The number of launches each season is limited, and a reservation is very difficult to obtain. Please protect boater opportunities by fully committing to your launch.

Minimum Age

Permit holder must be at least 18 years old by the launch date

Number of Reservations/Permits Allowed per Person

A person is limited to one permit during the lottery control season and may only hold one reservation for a permit at a time during this season.

A person may hold multiple reservations and be issued more than one permit outside of control season.

Group Size and Trip Length

Group size determines trip length during the Lottery Control Season, regardless of where you put in on the river:

  • 1 to 10 People - up to 8 Days (7 nights)
  • 11 to 20 People - up to 7 Days (6 nights) 
  • 21 to 24 People - up to 6 Days (5 nights) 

Outside the Lottery Control Season, the maximum group size is 24 and the maximum trip length is 8 days.

Limit on # of Watercraft

There is no limit to the number of watercraft allowed in your group, with one exception. Between August 8 and September 15, a maximum of 12 watercraft are allowed per permit in order to protect spawning Chinook Salmon.

Passenger List 

A complete and accurate list of trip participants needs to be entered into the Group Member section of the reservation on Pass holders receiving a discount must present their pass and a photo ID.

Definition of a private float trip

When the permit is being issued, the permit holder will mark the type of trip as “Private” after reading the definition of a private float trip.

A river trip is not commercial if (1) There is a bona fide sharing of actual expenses, including transportation to and from the site; (2) The trip does not include any costs for payment of salaries or expenses of any person to help with the trip or logistics of the trip; (3) Costs shared by trip members may include the costs of damaged or lost equipment, renting or buying minor equipment but not the acquisition of new equipment to the advantage of an individual or an organization. Persons involved in unauthorized commercial operations are subject to fine and/or imprisonment.