Forest Service Seeks Applications for Great Lakes Restoration Projects

Release Date: 

Contact(s): Leah Anderson

Milwaukee, WI - The USDA Forest Service Eastern Region is announcing the annual request for applications for Fiscal Year 2020 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) projects. Through an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service anticipates that up to $4.2 million in new funds will be available for tree planting and forest health improvement in the Great Lakes Basin. Applicants can be state agencies, Tribal communities, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and local governments that work within the Great Lakes Basin of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

This year’s projects should focus on four program areas:

  • Forest Insect and Disease Mitigation
  • Reduce Runoff from Degraded Sites through Green Infrastructure
  • Protect and Restore Coastal Wetlands through Healthy Tree Cover
  • Restore Resilient Riparian and Shoreline Forests

Constituting 21% of the world’s surface freshwater, the Great Lakes are the largest freshwater system in the world and the source of drinking water for more than 30 million people. First launched in 2010, The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative strategically targets the biggest threats to the Great Lakes ecosystem and accelerates progress toward long-term restoration goals. As one of 16 GLRI regional working group members, the Forest Service is able to assist organizations and communities who are taking creative local and regional approaches to improve water quality.

All applications for this funding opportunity must be received in by June 26, 2020. For more information on this opportunity visit:




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