Great American Outdoors Act - Eastern Region

Great American Outdoors Act

The USDA Forest Service is moving forward with implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act, which will enable federal land managers to take aggressive steps to address deferred maintenance and other infrastructure projects on national forests and grasslands through 2025.

The Forest Service will use these funds to maximize the benefits experienced by millions of Americans who visit and use their national forests. Projects funded by this act will focus on improving conditions on forest and rangelands, reducing wildfire risk, and increasing the resiliency of our nation's forests for present and future generations.


  • 2021 Projects Projects that were funded in 2021 are set to begin implementation this summer. Selected FY21

  • 2022 Projects The Eastern Region priority list of 2022 Legacy Restoration Fund projects considered and incorporated input from partners and the public during a comment period from Oct. 22, 2020 to Nov. 3, 2020. The Eastern Region submitted the project list for consideration in the 2022 budget process. View a list of Legacy Restoration Fund deferred maintenance projects submitted with the President’s proposed 2022 budget. 

  • 2023 and Beyond  Engagement with the public, partners, tribes, and local governments will continue to help identify needed work on projects in the Eastern Region. Please check back for updates for the next public engagement opportunity.  We look forward to hearing from everyone.