Nature's Benefits

Project symbol for Nature's Beauty.

Forest ecosystems are human, plant, and animal life-support systems that provide a suite of goods and services vital to human health and livelihood—essentially Nature's Benefits, also called Ecosystem Services. The Region's goal is to communicate Nature's Benefits in the context of modern-day living and connect California National Forest land management activities to benefits that the public, sees, feels, and hears.

What are Ecosystem Services—or Nature's Benefits?

Ecosystem services are the benefits people receive and value from nature—or "Nature's Benefits." This comprehensive suite of benefits provided by healthy ecosystems includes, but is not limited to:

  • clean air
  • water filtration
  • carbon sequestration
  • cultural heritage
  • pollination
  • flood control
  • jobs, commerce, and value to local economies
  • recreational opportunities and open space for communities
  • renewable and nonrenewable energy
  • increased physical and psychological wellness
  • wood products

Watch a video titled "Econ 120: Ecosystem Services" from NOAA Office for Coastal Management.


Stories about R5 projects that are measuring for Nature’s Benefits

Modoc NF: Sustaining Habitat: Ensuring a Thriving Natural Landscape Balance Supports Nature's Benefits on the Devil's Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory

Sequoia NF: A Plan to Preserve Nature's Benefits: The Sequoia National Forest Eshom Project

Sequoia NF: A Field Trip to the Sequoia National Forest to Explain Nature’s Benefits to our next Generation of Forest Stewards

Modoc NF: How the Modoc National Forest is Assessing Grazing Forage Capacity and Health to Protect Nature's Benefits

Klamath NF: The Klamath National Forest Craggy Vegetation Management Project: Reducing the risk of severe wildfire to protect communities and ensure Nature's Benefits are available now and for future generations

Mendocino NF: How the Mendocino NF Baseball Wildlife Habitat Improvement and Fuels Reduction project will ensure that Nature's Benefits such as clean water, recreation, and more are available now and for generations to come

You may learn more about Nature's Benefits in Region 5 by selecting any of the following titles.