Tree Risk Management Program

Photograph of large tree in a recreation area that could present a hazardThe Forest Service inspects campgrounds and other developed sites for tree hazards in order to provide a safe environment for forest visitors. Insects and diseases that infest trees are a natural part of the ecosystem, providing food and habitat for wildlife. However, in developed sites, dead, decaying, or otherwise defective trees with a potential to fail and cause injury to people or property are identified and removed.

Forest Health Protection staff is available to provide training to federal land manager partners in tree risk assessment and mitigation. Record keeping is a very important aspect of the tree risk evaluation process. The assessment form provided below can be used or adapted by Forest Service personnel for their respective forest/district. An electronic version using ArcGIS Online and Survey123 is also available. Contact your respective Forest Health Protection zone for an Excel file that can be used develop a survey for each forest/district. The following additional resources are available for land managers.

  • Email the Forest Health Tree Risk Program Managers

Resources for the Professional Land Manager

Field Guides


Other Resources

Key Contacts

  • Joel McMillin
    Forest Health AZ Zone Leader
  • Andy Graves
    Forest Health NM Zone Leader
  • Janet Nickerman
    R3 Pesticide / Invasive Species Specialist

Email the Forest Health Staff