Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Advisory Council

The purpose of the advisory council is to make recommendations on matters relating to the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail in accordance with Section 5(d) of the National Trails System Act (NTSA), which states:

 “The Secretary charged with the administration of each respective trail shall, within one year of the date of the addition of any national scenic or national historic trail to the system, ……establish an advisory council for each such trail, each of which councils shall expire ten years from the date of its establishment, …… The appropriate Secretary shall consult with such council from time to time with respect to matters relating to the trail, including the selection of rights-of-way, standards for the erection and maintenance of markers along the trail, and the administration of the trail.”

In accordance with the NTSA (Pub. L. 90-543, as amended through Pub. L. 116-9) (16 U.S.C. §§ 1241 to 1251) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended (5 U.S.C. App.2), the Secretary of Agriculture has renewed the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Advisory Council.

The advisory council will operate under the provisions of FACA and will report to the Secretary of Agriculture through the Chief of the Forest Service.

Archived information from past advisory council meetings can be found on the Meetings page. For future Advisory Council meetings, there will be opportunities for the public to view virtual meetings. Meeting information will be published in the Federal Register and on this website.

Image of Advisory Council.

Inaugural Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Advisory Council in 2015