Feather Falls Recreation Area Closed

Extensive fire damage to facilities on Plumas National Forest land in the Feather Falls, CA area will take a minimum of several years to repair. Facilities needing to be reconstructed, including the Feather Falls Trail, Campground, and Overlook, will remain closed in the interim as the area is too dangerous to enter. Other locations within the Feather Falls area and throughout the North Complex burn area will take far more time to heal.

Feather Falls is one of the natural jewels of Butte County and the Plumas National Forest. According to Dave Brillenz, Feather River District Ranger, it’s been tough to process the extent of the damage. The popular Feather Falls Trail has been obliterated in many locations due to uprooted trees & landslides, and because bridges, plus the overlook, were largely destroyed.

Feather Falls Overlook destroyed by firePhoto Caption: Feather Falls Overlook destroyed by fire
Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service – Plumas National Forest

Feather Falls Trail obliterated by a landslidePhoto Caption: Feather Falls Trail obliterated by a landslide  
Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service – Plumas National Forest

Burned areas are extremely dangerous due to unstable trees and other unseen hazards such as burned stumps and roots. The District Ranger indicated current closure orders have been put in place to protect people and that a strong law enforcement presence would be present to ensure public safety and to protect sensitive areas.

Feather Falls Trail obliterated by an upended root-wadPhoto Caption: Feather Falls Trail obliterated by an upended root-wad  
Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service – Plumas National Forest

Beyond the facilities, which are inherently ephemeral in nature, the entire area is sacred to Native Americans.  Brillenz said that working cooperatively with local tribal members to preserve and protect their heritage is a top priority for him, the Ranger District, and the Forest, especially during facility reconstruction and restoration of the larger landscape.

Lupine and ferns have started the healing in many areasPhoto Caption: Lupine and ferns have started the healing in many areas
Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service – Plumas National Forest

Yew tree beginning its journey to adulthoodInput, suggestions and assistance in working with the Forest Service to restore these areas is welcomed according to District Ranger Brillenz who also indicated millions of dollars have been received to assist with burned area restoration and that many local and national stakeholder groups are already involved in site repair and reconstruction.

Fire related closure information for the Feather River Ranger District may be found on this site at: http://fs.usda.gov/main/plumas/alerts-notices and other recreation opportunities across the Forest at https://www.fs.usda.gov/recmain/plumas/recreation

Photo Caption: Yew tree beginning its journey to adulthood
Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service – Plumas National Forest

The Feather River Ranger District may be reached at (530) 534-6500.